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Broken Pipe
Feb 14, 2013
Reaction score
Hey all,

Just got my 1st Ebay pipe and it could use a little spiffying up. Any suggestions for polishing the bowl and stem? Also need to clean up my regular ones as well, most have been sitting dormant for a long time.


P.S. It is the Sven Lar I posted about earlier in the week, I am past the 7 day limit so I can post pics now :)
If you have access to a buffer you might want to hit it with some white diamond compound followed by some carnauba wax. If not, Dave Walker sells some stem polishing and briar polishing stuff that can be applied with a soft cloth and some elbow grease. It works pretty well and I use it when the buffer is not nearby.
A contrarian view : The majority of used pipes still have more than enough wax on them.
You can get the accumulated dirt & hand grease off using a bit of saliva, a kleenex and going lightly,
letting each spot dry well before going back over it. Follow up with a gentle rub with a soft old
flannel shirt.

Few old pipes really need much more than that, IMO & experience.

For the stems a magic eraser will get the bad oxidation out. I've also used Chapstick for when it wasn't too bad. I've heard of people using rubbing compound, olive oil, oxiclean, and all kinds of stuff. I recently used an old dunhill cloth and it worked really well. I'm going to order some obsidian oil soon too. I want to support him because I've heard good things about his product and he supports bicycle advocacy with children using some of his proceeds. And Yak is right about the bowl. I've also used just a flannel buffing wheel with decent success.