I know some pipemakers use it for certain shaping tasks...I think some of it's usefullness may be somewhat limited by the minimum speed. For example I would be scared to death to try to ream cake with it. Buffing/polishing maybe. I have one...maybe I will give it a shot on some of the beat up cheapo estates I have lyin' around.
I was just looking at a guy on e-bay who posted some pics of him making his pipes with a dremel. Let's just say the results were less than spectacular........could be the pipe maker / could be the tools :roll:
Old Briar By Dave Whitney I read this book. He says variable speed Dremels can be had. He say's he uses them for buffing bowls and stems. I haven't used one, If I had one that you could make go slow I would use it for that. Probably polish my fingers also.