Dunhill metal shaft insert

Brothers of Briar

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Jan 12, 2016
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I recently took advantage of a 25% off sale of Dunhill pipes on Intl Pipe Smoking Day and picked up a beautiful Group 3 Chestnut Dublin.

Well, I smoked my first bowl in it, and it wasn't until I was all smoked out that I realized that the metal shaft that they put in their pipes was loosey-goosey in this one - it just plain didn't fit. Oh sure, there was never a problem passing a pipe cleaner down the shaft, but along with the pipe cleaner would come the metal shaft for the ride. No harm done at all to the pipe, just annoying to try to decide what to do.

Right now I just took the dang thing out of the pipe completely. Has this happened to any of you out there with one of your Dunhills? Aside from which, dja think just smoking the pipe without the metal thingy will present problems?

The only thing I can foresee is that cleaning up will be more of a job since all the gunk will not have that nice slick metal half-tube to stick to but rather the raw, exposed briar.

I thought those screwed or were a snug fit in the tenon.
If it's that loose maybe you could try a bit of fingernail polish on the end of it where it inserts into the tenon.
Just coat it a little less then what goes in and let it dry before reinserting it and it should snug up the fit.
Yeah, I was wondering about adding something to make it snug up a bit, but then I got paranoid about introducing a foreign agent that might affect the flavor of the smoke(?)_..Maybe beeswax would be a safe way to go. I'll think about it and figure something out.

In the meantime all suggestions are still welcome.

I tossed all mine. All three, that is. There's a reason for those, but I can't remember what it is. Must not have made much of an impression on me.
I presume we are talking about the infamous DH "Inner Tube" here, correct??? What few I ever had fit well in the shaft. How some ever, I always removed them before I smoked the pipe. Just never liked the idea of a metal tube in the pipe. FWIW, :cheers: FTRPLT
Here's the idea behind the tubes.

These days, most folks pitch them. Many new White Spots don't even include them (I have two, neither had a tube).
If used, they do keep the shanks incredibly clean.

I would take it out, put it in a drawer in my pipe cabinet, and take it out of the drawer and put it back into the pipe when I'm ready to sell it.

Rob D
denholrl, I've long ago done the first 2 steps, the only step left is to put it back when selling the pipe and I don't imagine that day coming for a long while! In all seriousness, the pipe smokes beautifully, it IS beautiful and has become one of my faves to smoke and fondle, buff it to a nice sheen with my dunhill cloth and admire the deep color and grain in just the right incandescent light (it's a size 3 Chestnut Dublin).

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