Fancy Huntin Duds and a morning in the wood

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2012
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It cracks me up how people will spend hundreds of dollars in hunting clothes, charcoal lined scent lock to hunt, yes when I bow hunt ( rarely do anymore due to my shoulder and I won't go the way of the crossbow ) I will wear cheapo real tree while in my tree stand, but when I rifle hunt, that's a different story, the plan was this week for me to go rifle hunt this morning, but I got a call from an old client ( a probate attorney) saying he was going to be in the area and wanted to know if I could guide for him, he apologized that he was so last minute but would make it worth my while.  I accepted and he met me at 5am at agreed location.  Decked out in the finest wears of current hunting clothing technology.  He chuckled and gave me a hug when we met up and said I was a breath of fresh air and a real salt of the earth man.  I guess it was my hunting gear, bright red union suit, old liberty Bibs with my knife on the left shoulder strap, tomahawk slung across my back in a repurposed horse rein homemade sling, my black seaman sweater over top, holding my Taylor 50 cal Kentucky Long Rifle.  Beautiful still morning.... zero wind... light fluffy snow flakes coming down on and off. A successful hunt.  He harvested a large cow doe first, she dropped right where she stood .  Of course he wants to run out and see her, I calm his whitetail fueled hysteria , reminding him his doe tag was filled but he still had a buck tag and to sit his ass down and listen.  He did and 45 mins later he shot a nice big bodied 7 point ( brow tine snapped) , single lung shot, after almost having to physically sit him down and make him wait, I lit my MM Morgan and slowly sipped .  Another 45 mins later I tracked the buck, who had circled back into the thickets. I then prayed over him to Animiki,  thanking the noble beast for his courage and sacrifice, leaving a small cloth medicine bag tied off and filled with tobacco at his resting spot as my culture dictates.   We then drug him up to the doe , where I preformed the small ceremony again for the doe.   I am truly blessed to be able to do something that I love as often as can.  I can only imagine the stories he will tell his attorney buddies on Monday about a successful hunt guided by a crazy half breed guy such as I am.  I think he also got a thrill when I let him fire my long rifle before we headed back to the trucks.
The spirit of the White Buffalo is pleased with your conscientiousness.... All life is sacred, it is good you tend to that respect!
Ozark Wizard":cgedk606 said:
The spirit of the White Buffalo is pleased with your conscientiousness.... All life is sacred, it is good you tend to that respect!
Next time we on the phone remind me to tell you the story about Animiki and the large Maple tree.
My dad used to go hunting in his cuffed blue jeans and farm jacket. Deer, quail, ducks, rabbits and squirrels must have been pretty stupid back then, because he always came home with plenty of game. :lol:
Men like gear. People like to collect things. Stuff. Materialism. Distractions from the world and life. Why have more than a couple pipes or a tobacco or two? All because of the same thing. Pretty rare folk who have just, and only, what they need. Even people with lesser means manage to accumulate stuff, and I say that because it isn't just a matter of opulence.

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