Filters for Cobs

Brothers of Briar

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New member
Apr 22, 2010
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Hi all!

Very first post for a newbie. I have a question about cob filters - have searched the archives and google in general but it didn't help, so I come with hat in hand to the friars of briar for advice!

I've bought a few MM cobs online, and just realised I can't get any Medico or Dr. Grabow filters here in Japan. I might stop using the filters altogether if I find that's what works for me, but I would like some filter refills.

Are the filters in MM filter cobs 6mm filters? If so, can I use ANY 6mm filter out there? I see some local online retailers selling BC 6mm charcoal filters so I was wondering if those would fit in the cob.

Thanks for any advice!

A number of the pipes I smoke regularly came with filters or were made to accomodate them - Dr. Grabow, Savenelli, cobs. I don't use filters in any of them. The filters get nasty and gunked up too soon. I simply run pipe cleaners through the briars and wipe out and use pipe cleaners on the cobs.
Any 6mm filter will work. Savinelli balsa, Dr. Grabow, Medico etc. It's just a matter of personal preference as to use them or not. I'm one that does use filters when I remember to put one in. :lol:

any 6mm will have choice. cobs smoked slow can be used w/o filters .the filters just take up tar spit and help prevent tongue bite with cheap tobacco.they smooth out better tobacco nicely giving one experiences others never have due to bias.they also reduce heat by making one smoke a pipe properly.A GIFT to newbies.So lets see,filters help with all the problems that fill pipe forums and blogs.Go figure!
Thanks guys! Esp Ol'Dawg and pipe dreamer - that's exactly the sort of thing I wanted to know!
Cheers! Will pick up some charcoal ones.

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