Fox Is Killing My Chickens

Brothers of Briar

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David The Druid

Well-known member
May 24, 2024
Reaction score
Newberry Indiana
I cannot stand this fox. He avoids my traps, runs before I can get a shot, and my donkeys seem to think he's not a threat. Any advice on making this fox into a hat?
Keep a rooster in your flock, they'll sacrifice them self for the hens. Also an electronet fence from Premier 1 will keep the predators out. We had two roosters with some hens that successfully kept a fox at bay until my wife and dog went out to chase it away.
Keep a rooster in your flock, they'll sacrifice them self for the hens. Also an electronet fence from Premier 1 will keep the predators out. We had two roosters with some hens that successfully kept a fox at bay until my wife and dog went out to chase it away.
I had roosters. Fox got them. I free range so an electric fence is out of the question except around the coop.
I had roosters. Fox got them. I free range so an electric fence is out of the question except around the coop.
I shot a few foxes while rabbit hunting because they put a hurting on the rabbits where I used to hunt. But while deer hunting I'd see at least 5 to 8 foxes a day walking the deer tail. If I was you I would set up near the area where your chickens are. I would use a 12g with 00 buck with a full choke that way you have less chance of hitting any chickens. Do it on a Saturday morning or a Friday late afternoon till dark. If you can get or have a 22 with a scope it would probably be easier. If you stay our there you'll get his ass. Might have to dedicate a whole day but you will have more eggs lol.
I cannot stand this fox. He avoids my traps, runs before I can get a shot, and my donkeys seem to think he's not a threat. Any advice on making this fox into a hat?
My wife and I had an animal farm some years ago, which was situated right next to a woods owned by the Audobon Society. The woods were home to foxes, raccoons, hawks, and other chicken-loving creatures. We did lose several chickens to these freeloaders until I kept the birds in an enclosed coop with rat poison around the outside. It worked, but if you want to call your birds "free-range," you have to accept inroads in your flock night and day. This is not cheerful news, so I think you should try the canine-excrement trick. Those predators are not stupid, but they are aware that farm dogs are a menace to their criminal activity. Let us know how it works.
I shot a few foxes while rabbit hunting because they put a hurting on the rabbits where I used to hunt. But while deer hunting I'd see at least 5 to 8 foxes a day walking the deer tail. If I was you I would set up near the area where your chickens are. I would use a 12g with 00 buck with a full choke that way you have less chance of hitting any chickens. Do it on a Saturday morning or a Friday late afternoon till dark. If you can get or have a 22 with a scope it would probably be easier. If you stay our there you'll get his ass. Might have to dedicate a whole day but you will have more eggs lol.
I've got a 12 with a deer slug ready. I'm keeping my hens in an enclosed run for now. I can't believe my donkeys just let it roam in their pasture. They usually kill coyotes so I don't know why they let the fox run.
I've got a 12 with a deer slug ready. I'm keeping my hens in an enclosed run for now. I can't believe my donkeys just let it roam in their pasture. They usually kill coyotes so I don't know why they let the fox run.
Maybe they just aren't seeing them. Foxes are sneaky basturds. I remember my father in law blasted one when we were out rabbit hunting. He he used a "Fox" 20g double barrel for small game, but he always brought slugs with him in case he saw a deer. He was my wife's stepfather and I really didn't like hunting with him because he was doing shady stuff all the time like shooting deer in the small game season. He did teach me a lot but I didn't aquire his poaching practices lol. Anyway, we were hunting in a thicket for rabbits and I saw him pull out a yellow shell, I was like "aw crap we are dragging an illegal kill out I know know it", here it was a fox, he destroyed that animal with that slug. He ended up taking it and mounting it. He was a taxidermist by trade.
I really enjoyed calling up foxes years ago.
I remember dad making his own fox whistles when I was a kid out of a tin jam lid with a nail hole in it.

They like higher pitched calls, start quietly and then stop. Count to 30 or so and then bump up the volume/call louder until a fox appears. It's all about location, location, location! If there is so much brush and big rocks that you can't walk through, you are in the right spot.

Good luck David get them buggers. When I was living out west I drove 200 clicks return to buy chooks for a run. I didn't let them out unless I was home which was rare. I thought I made the chook pen pretty secure top to bottom but (close your ears now Jim) feral cats decimated them even a big rooster I had with big spurs who was the alarm. Feral cats are a huge problem over here I have a picture of one thats legs are tied to a VW bug roof rack and front legs almost touch the ground.
Someone said if you tie the tails to the coop it will deter them more that was bullshit as I had about 8 or 9 on the wire.
I tracked the feather trail of one of them to about 50mts from coop with my kelpie dog she saw the cat and F%^Kn ran for the house I got it with the 12g.
I was really sad as all those chooks were my friends and pets so I feel for ya mate. I do love cats though and chickens. Note there is a LOT of difference regarding impact of ferals here to the USA.
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Good luck David get them buggers. When I was living out west I drove 200 clicks return to buy chooks for a run. I didn't let them out unless I was home which was rare. I thought I made the chook pen pretty secure top to bottom but (close your ears now Jim) feral cats decimated them even a big rooster I had with big spurs who was the alarm. Feral cats are a huge problem over here I have a picture of one thats legs are tied to a VW bug roof rack and front legs almost touch the ground.
Someone said if you tie the tails to the coop it will deter them more that was bullshit as I had about 8 or 9 on the wire.
I tracked the feather trail of one of them to about 50mts from coop with my kelpie dog she saw the cat and F%^Kn ran for the house I got it with the 12g.
I was really sad as all those chooks were my friends and pets so I feel for ya mate. I do love cats though and chickens. Note there is a LOT of difference regarding impact of ferals here to the USA.
I know you guys used to be allowed to hunt down there in the outback. Did your government disarm Everyone down there? Can you still have shotguns and rifles to protect yourself against wild animals if you live on a ranch?