'Gag Pipe' made True Blue!

Brothers of Briar

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Briar Spirit

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
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As a part of his Bomb, Rob sent me a 'gag pipe', it had a huge gaping crack in the front of the bowl, rendering the pipe all but useless, I said to Rob that I would turn it into a usable Pipe, I'm quite sure he thought it not possible, pah, me is Exspurt remember Rob. :lol:

I actually didn't get a before shot of this pipe, my camera's battery was flat, I'm sure Rob will testify tot he truth of the gaping crack in the bowl.

This is how it looks now, all it needs is some pipe mud to fix the cracks in the bowls interior and it'll be good to go!



Not bad eh Rob. ;)
I should send you the pipe a guy brought in to Tinder Box that had a pencil-sized hole burned through the bottom. We polished it up real pretty, but left the hole as-is. Kind of a show-n-tell to kiddies that smoke their pipes waaaaay too hot. :lol: Pipes are like people: varying quality, some are tougher than others, but none are invincible. Way to raise one from the dead, Kirk. :D

Rob will be tickled, methinks.


Too bad you weren't able to get a "before" photo. Even so, I can't tell where the crack was from the front-view photo you posted.

Great job! :cheers:

@Rob, just need some cigar ash to make some pipe cement and it'll be a usable pipe. ;)

@Vito, it looked a bit like this:


Wuh! Now I'm even more impressed, bro'. Based on the "after" photo, I guessed that the crack was in a completely different place, running in a completely different direction. I wasn't even close. You did a magnificent job. :!:

Now that I see where the crack used to be, Kirk, I'm disappointed you didn't splice in some bone and made a toothy/angry face in the pipe. :lol: Razzin' ya brother, you did well by going as ya did.
