SocWorkerSmoker":9zuy9b3r said:
Mr. Pease
Let me first say that I am not in the habit of gushing so please excuse the following, in which I will be gushing
. You pretty much inspired me to collect GBDs. I started collecting GBDs after seeing the amazing collection of GBDs that you have amassed and that you have posted on your site and linked to In fact, I specifically started looking for Rhodesians after seeing how amazing yours looked. I now have two, one in fact is a Speciale and the other is a Congress (which is a grade I can't find any information about). Since I completely bow to your expertise, would you mind telling me if I have my information correct that I posted in this thread regarding GBD grades and pricing. End gushing here :bounce:
So, you're the one buying up all the good GBDs?
Now, no more gushing.
I'm really no expert on these things. The grading scale is difficult, at the very least, to figure out, partly because models came and went, and grades were "altered" at times. The Speciales I have are beautiful examples of briar craft, and though they probably don't rank quite as high as the Virgins, overall, they're at least New Era quality, which would put them fairly high in the range. But, they're French, and for some reason, people don't respect French pipes as much as English pipes.
Oh, but they're not ALL French, either. I've got at least one London made Speciale, and a French made New Era. So much for that theory.
What I've done is concentrated on Pedigrees, Virgins, New Eras, Speciales, Xtras, the occasional Prehistoric (some of which were truly exceptional), and some odd ducks, like a Mandarin prince with near-perfect straight grain. All the seemingly thousands of middle-line and low grades just don't fascinate me, probably because it's too much for my little brain to keep track of.
I've seen Uniques sell for ridiculously high prices, but, then again, they're rare, often amazing, and occasionally, made from spectacular wood. (Watch them, though, as many I've seen have had fills the size of Tycho crater in them.) They did a Millennium range with gold bands that seem to be particularly spendy. Must be the gold, or the fact that the pipes survived the y2k fiasco without incident. (Yes. I know the new millennium actually commenced in 2001. Apparently, GBD did not, as the Millennium pipes I've seen are hallmarked ca. 1978. I'm not sure what they might commemorate.)
One could collect GBDs forever, and never see the full breadth of their offerings. Of course, many aren't really worth collecting, but even sticking to the better grades can keep you pretty busy. There are some really nice examples on ebay all the time. *sigh*
What's a boy to do?