Glad to be here, from Saint Louis

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Greetings everyone.
I've been smoking pipes for about 10 years, since college, but the bug has really taken hold this last year or so. In that time, my collection has gone from 3 pipes to over a dozen-and it would be more if I didn't have to give some away just to hide the madness from my wife.

A quick look through the pipe box and you'll see that I definitely seem to favor Savinelli's. My prize pipe is a 314KS Giubilleo D'Oro that I purchased very inexpensively and quite by accident on Ebay 3 years ago. None of my other pipes come close to smoking as sweet.

I am starting the Viking Pipe Club of Saint Louis, primarily because I like the people around me to enjoy my hobbies as well. I understand that Kansas City has a thriving club and there's no reason that we can't as well.

Thanks to whoever is in charge for creating such a great web-site!
-Nathan Mattia
Welcome, lots of good people here, for me it's great to learn from everyones experience.
Welcome to BoB. I too am new to this forum. It's a wealth of Knowledge.
Welcome Nathan, My upcoming[next year] new son-in law name is Nathan!, Ken :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: From The Northeast Kingdom! :tongue:
Welcome Nathan, Sit back relax and have a good time with us.


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