Golden Gate Pipes

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2011
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Anyone have experience with these pipes? I liked the look of a couple of them, and they seem to be relatively inexpensive, but are they quality?
Storm_Crow":q2c05u79 said:
Anyone have experience with these pipes? I liked the look of a couple of them, and they seem to be relatively inexpensive, but are they quality?
I don't think you will be allowed inside the golden gates while smoking a pipe.
Storm_Crow":7sf05nsx said:
Anyone have experience with these pipes? I liked the look of a couple of them, and they seem to be relatively inexpensive, but are they quality?
For a factory, mass production - a very decent pipes.

"Golden Gate" ("SG", "Golden Gate") - perhaps the only one to date, series producer of this briarovyh tubes in the former Soviet Union.
From the outset, pipe business (late 80's), "Golden Gate" (then Co-op "Heather") made the tube of cherry, pear, peach, apricot and other fruit woods, which grows in abundance in Ukraine. Of course, these tubes was difficult to compare in quality with pipes made from briar abroad. Nevertheless, well-established production saturated the market for inexpensive handsets ("piece of wood" - as they are called pipe smokers), with more than acceptable quality. The breakthrough came in the early 90's when they were established global supply of seasoned briar quality of Tuscana (Italy). From the same from Italy, were established supply cast ebonite mouthpieces. Which contain 75% of Malaysian rubber. After that, the production of tubes was reoriented to produce briarovyh tubes. But the production of tubes of fruit tree varieties is still ongoing.
After many years of working with briarovymi tubes, "Golden Gate" has learned to do more or less high-quality products. To date, the Golden Gate "(Golden Gate", GG ") produce a wide range of types and modifications of the tubes as without the filter and the filter.

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