Ian Minton here from Chicago, I see some familiar names and topics and I look forward to chatting. Feel free to contact me at any time if you have any Danish pipes to trade or sell. I primarily look for pipes carved by Poul Hansen, Sixten Ivarsson, Jess Chonowitsch, Former (and his students), and Peter Heeschen.
Other than pipes my main interests are macro and micro finance, politics, history, fiction, digital photography, backgammon, fitness, and outdoors. I've been smoking pipes since 1993, and started collecting High Grade Danish pipes several years back under the keen and helpful eye of Rex Poggenpohl and the rest of the crazy cat's over at Iwan Ries here in Chicago. My first Danish pipes were Stanwell, and from there it only got... what's the word I'm looking for... EXPENSIVE
But it is a wonderful hobby. I think I spend more time looking for pipes on the internet than I do actual (T=$) moolah
Anyways gents, like I said-- don't be strangers!
Kind regards,
Other than pipes my main interests are macro and micro finance, politics, history, fiction, digital photography, backgammon, fitness, and outdoors. I've been smoking pipes since 1993, and started collecting High Grade Danish pipes several years back under the keen and helpful eye of Rex Poggenpohl and the rest of the crazy cat's over at Iwan Ries here in Chicago. My first Danish pipes were Stanwell, and from there it only got... what's the word I'm looking for... EXPENSIVE
Anyways gents, like I said-- don't be strangers!
Kind regards,