Greetings from Alaska.

Brothers of Briar

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May 15, 2009
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Hello all,

Found this group while looking for a knowledgeable forum centered around pipe smoking that doesn't require a moderator to approve your every post. At least I hope that is not the case here, I hate all the waiting that involves . . .

At any rate, I'm fairly new to pipe smoking and hoping that this forum will be a good resource for me in that regard. I am also an avid fly fisherman, though I so far have been unsuccessful in integrating the two activities, so if anyone has some tips there let me know!
Welcome to BoB :cheers: :pipe: no waiting period here, fire away!
Welcome aboard! There are several accomplished fly fisherman on board.
Welcome to BoB from a fellow fly fisherman.
As far as integrateing both I have found that i appreciate fishing and pipe smoking more when not done together. The best way for
me is to take a pipe along and enjoy it during a break...maybe sitting on a big rock watching the river for rises.
Thanks for the welcome everyone.

A break in smoking to go fishing or a break in fishing to smoke. That's a pretty tough choice to have to make. Does help eliminate the concern of finding out if briar floats or not though.
Hello and welcome to BoB!

Jim...having found out several times that briar doesn't float in trout streams.
Yo, Avocat, welcome aboard! I think you will be happy here: lots of friendly folks, little to no moderation, and lots of knowledgable pipesters more than willing to share.

Question: Where in AK do you live? I am from Anchortown, and am moving back in mid July. More importantly, where do you like to fish? Maybe we can get together and throw a line, share a pipe... by the way, I have lots of friends who are pilots!

Have fun!
Thanks for all the welcomes everyone.

Trout: I'm in the Cordova area. Mostly fish the ocean, rivers, streams and a few lakes in the area. By far most of my fishing is for the salmon runs, but get a little in for Dolly Varden and Cutthroats. Unfortunately when the fish are in I'm pretty well tied to home so don't get to fish much other than a few close spots.
I spent a summer in Cordova, working in a cannery, when I was 19 or 20. (Back in '88 or '89... damn, I'm old!) I lived in an old cabin in what was then called, "Hippie Cove." Is it still around? Also, I remember hanging out at the Reluctant Fisherman for coffee and pancakes... also a cool little bookstore, though the name escapes me. If you've lived there a while, you might remember this colorful character who lived in the woods... wore a loin cloth, dragged logs around and carried rocks in an old knap sack to stay in shape. I think his name was Vern? I think he died a mysterious death, if memory serves. He lived just upstream from me, year round, in a home made cabin, with no electricity, running water, etc. I used to see him hanging from a wooden rod, high in the trees, doing really intense, slow pull ups. Rumor had it that he had a PHD in psychology. He appeared quite eccentric, if not down right scary, though he was the most friendly and cordial guy you could ever meet.

And those are my memories of Cordova!

Oh, I also remember climbing Eyak (i think that's how you spell it) mountain on rare sunny day. On the peak, twelve bald eagles flew directly over my head (as in ten feet!) in a perfect V formation. I don't know what they were doing, but it certainly looked like important business!
The cabin is still there, there is quite the community out at Hippie Cove now. Changed quite a bit though, the city was trying to make it a tourist fishing spot so it's gotten a little urbanized. Not too bad yet though.

Gene is the man you are thinking of, though everyone just called him Woodsmoke. They called his death a suicide, though there was always some debate around that one. We still have some eccentrics around there, though no one of his caliber anymore. I think they are a dying breed.

Eyak now has a trail to the top, and a webcam up there you can view from the phone companies website, Gets quite a bit of traffic up there in the summer months. Beautiful view on one of the few sunny days we get!

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