Greetings from Florida

Brothers of Briar

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Howdy! A few months ago I was staring at my humble collection of 10 cigars considering my occasional smoke while I grilled. Too much of a time commitment. Plus, they looked a little crispy and needed some humidity.

I then found the pipe I bought myself when I was 18. Hmmm... maybe a trip to a local B&M cigar shop was in order. Turns out they only had a few jars of "cavendish". The local TinderBox selection was (20 years ago) and is... not that great. All sub-par aromatics that taste very odd. Drug store brands are/were okay if you liked cigarette tobacco (I dislike cigarettes) or a bowl full of steamy goop (I dislike steamy goop). What to do? Come to find out, people still smoke pipes, and in fact there's a vast community, and you can find great new tobaccos on the internets! So I took my old pipe and set up the acoustic coupler (joke) and started a mad buying spree to find tobacco to my liking. Now I'm just trying to stay out of trouble with the missus. I have to monitor the mail like I'm waiting on some item of ill-repute.

"No dear, this is the same pipe as last week. Honest!" <- This does not work.

Anyway, I've been lurking for about a month. You folks seem like my kind of people so here I am. :)
Welcome to BoB and do enjoy your time here. I assure you we will definitely encourage you in your bouts with PAD/TAD, what else are brothers for. You'll have to put up a post with pics of your collection so we can see the progression as the months/years go by. Again, welcome, it is a pleasure to have you here.
Welcome to the Brotherhood! Great place to be seen and heard!

So what is your favorite tobac you are trying now?
Welcome to the BoB forums Hereward! :D

Do your best to try and convince the wife that pipes and tobacco are great investments, considering the shortage of supply of briar, as well as tobacco taxation, of which there seems to be no ceiling. If that doesn't seem to work, try and convince her that time spent with a good pipe, is much cheaper than time spent with a psychiatrist.
Welcome Hereward, I hope you enjoy your time here and find it as useful and informative as I have.
@GeoffC It depends on the mood but I've been mixing LNF with a bit of Irish Flake for daytime smokes and Blackhouse or Dark English Full in the evenings. I really like Irish Flake but is gets to be a bit of a rough ride after 30 minutes. I'm still wrapping my head around HOTW and will probably switch out LNF with my IF mix. I typically drink iced or hot tea (no sugar) but Irish Flake is awesome with a dark ale.

@Dutch Yeah, I've been able to buy a few MM cobs without a raised eyebrow. I also find you can't hide a new pipe behind a Latakia distortion field. She's good about it though. I complain less, I guess. Since I started smoking a pipe, I have actually had time to relax and think about "nothing". I think humanity has gotten too complex for its own good. My pipe has become a genuine form of meditation. Added bonus; humans and bugs don't come near you for 30-60 minutes. Winning!
Welcome, Herewood! (great name) I hope you enjoy your PAD/TAD; we'll be glad to fan both!


(Pipe & Tobacco Acquisition Disorder)

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