Greetings from the land of the Mouse...

Brothers of Briar

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New member
Jul 21, 2012
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Hello - Rob here from Central Florida. I'm new to enjoying pipes - only about a year and a half since expanding my horizons from cigars to include pipes. Turned out to be a good move indeed! I find pipes to be more sophisticated, with all of the preparation and ritual involved. A bit more scholarly endeavour - at least that's what I tell myself!

I'd like to start a local pipe club in the Central Florida area and am told that this forum may be a good source of information and support. Looking forward to seeing what the future brings...

Hi there Rob, welcome to the BoB. I hope you enjoy your time here!
Welcome. I'll be taking my fam to see The Mouse next month, so I'll be in your neck of the woods.
Welcome from the other land of the mouse :) well close enough

Welcome from Ireland! :cheers: :cheers:


Welcome! Keep us posted on the progress of your club, I for one am interested in what all it's going to entail.

So, in Florida do you need to use a dehumidifier for your tobacco storage?

Down in Central America I noticed a cigar shop having a DEhumidifier in their humidor room, thought it quite funny.

Anyway, welcome!


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