Hello All From Central Maine

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2008
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Just a note to introduce myself to the subscribers of this site. I hail from Mass achusetts (not so very nice) and Central Maine (tobacco unfriendly but a beautiful place). I've been a long time pipe smoker for over 40 years. Whew, how time flies by. And a collector for over 20 years. I don't wish to bore anyone with the familiar likes/dislikes about pipes and tobaccos so I'll finish up here hoping to visit with y'all from time to time.
Andy, Welcome to the forum!!! Don't worry about boring us with your likes and dislikes. Its one of the things that lets us know just a little more about you. We all talk about what we like at one or another :cyclops: :sunny: :sunny:
A warm welcome Andy. My brother lives in Caribou, Maine... retired from a career in the US Air Force.

:D Paul
Welome Andy!

I hail from NC and I am also a huge fan of Doc Watson, the greatest guitar player in the world! You should come down and join us at Merle Fest sometime.
It could mean Doctor Watson from that little known story 'Sherlock Holmes'..
Hello Again,
And a big Thank You to all of the respondants for the kind words and welcome. And to mention a few more bits of info I'd like to say that I am an original member of the Sherlock Holmes Pipe Club in Boston MA. Yes, the reason my ID is docwatson is that the club members say I have a similar resemblance to Holmes' Dr. Watson. And for Doc Watson the bluegrass guitar player, he is definitely incredible. As a matter of fact my partner Nancy was in a bluegrass band some years ago in Australia, and she still loves to pick once in awhile (the guitar-not me) :)) We also have an incredible blues weekend up here on the coast in Rockland during the month of July that I'm sure you music fans would love.
And it's nice to know that there are connections to Maine with a members brother up in Caribou. That's really the top o' the state. I've had enough of winter already grrrr. it's only 16 degrees F. here this morning and it's supposed to be spring!!
Again, Thanks to all, and I'm looking forward to some interesting tobacco posts from all.
We all work hard as hell to live and get older, there is no use complaining about it when we do it. I ask about the senoir9sp) discount when ever I go into a food place or any place that might offer one. We have all earned it :sunny: :sunny: :cyclops: :affraid:
Welcome aboard, Andy.You know us old timers have to stick togeather on this board of BOB. Im also in central maine,Just west of portland.Again welcome.

Sorry Doc!

I guess you were right PB. Being form NC and a bluegrass guitar player when I hear Doc Watson I automatically think of the Doc Watson the world's greatest guitar player.

None the less Andy, it is great to have you here!

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