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Brothers of Briar

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New member
Sep 3, 2013
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Hi everyone,

I have been pipe smoking for nearly a year now.
and thanks to a friend Hobo Hoot who has a large collection of pipes
my interest in pipes is bordering on obsession.
We started a blog in February this year Hobo Pipes.
I particularly like Falcon pipes.
Recently i bought a lathe at garage sale.
So i have turned a few bowls for my Falcon.
Custom+Falcon+Pipe+2.jpg" style="width: 640px;height: 480px

Custom+Falcon+Pipe+Bowl+1.jpg" style="width: 640px;height: 480px

Metal+smoking+pipes+3.jpg" style="width: 640px;height: 480px

There are others on my blog.
I like to smoke a lot of different tobacco's but prefer stronger blends particularly plugs.

Hobo Dave
Welcome to BoB, did you turn the bowls yourself from blocks of Briar or did you modify existing bowls!?
hello and welcome...after a generous member sent me a falcon, i am really liking them myself.
Thanks for your welcomes
To answer Briar Spirit i turned the bowls out of briar blocks.
I did a post about it on my blog Bowl turning
Part 2 and 3 are there as well.

Hobo Dave
I just had a peek at the blog posts, interesting idea using a rubber O ring instead of threading the bowl, there's thinking outside of the box, excellent work. :cheers: 
Welcome to the BoB. Glad to have you on board. I like a Falcon pipe myself. Those bowls you turned are beautiful.  Really nice work. :) 

Welcome to BoB.
When I saw that your bowl had some turned rings I was wondering where it came from? Now I can see from your post. Nice work.

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