Hello from Arkansas, nice to see familiar faces

Brothers of Briar

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Active member
May 13, 2009
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Boy, look at all of those smileys! Girls like smileys!


I sent an e-mail to Carlos, as I wanted to be a part of this forum and he kindly sent me the link. I first came upon this forum last year, and didn't join up then. Well, I'm not a brother, but I am a kindred spirit of the pipe and pipe tobacco.

I'm in my mid-40's, and started smoking the pipe about three years ago. I've always enjoyed the smell of pipe tobacco and that is what eventually led me to go to my local tobacco warehouse and where I bought a Medico Brylon pipe and a bag of tobacco. I now have too many pipes and too many tobaccos, but I do enjoy this new relaxing hobby. I wasn't a cigarette smoker before all of this started. My husband doesn't smoke.

I'm happy to see some familiar faces, like kilgore, Talon, Texas Outlaw, ruraldean, hazmat, Danish Pipe Guy, and damn yankee, and I'm sure there are more here. I haven't checked out all of the forum sections yet. Wouldn't you know it, with all of this rain, I have to mow again. The phone line has become wet and has been giving me problems dialing out. Hopefully I can get back here as soon as it is repaired, which won't be until Tuesday of next week. I'm surprised I was able to connect today, and wouldn't you know it, I have something on sale at Craigslist. :x Bad timing.

Anyway, just to say hello and appreciate another pipe smoking forum to visit and chat with other pipe smoking folks.

Lisa Marie
Hi Jason, earl, and Doc Manhattan! Thanks for the welcome!
Regards, Lisa Marie
Welcome to the forums Lisa Marie, and make yourself at home! Glad you're here.
Welcome aboard Sister! Nice to make your acquaintance Lisa Marie!
Thanks fellas for all the warm welcome. I almost didn't make it just now. I'm having to reload each page about four times. No surprise as it rained over an inch last night, so more water in the phone lines/circuitry.

I look forward to getting to know everyone here.

Again, thanks for the big welcome!
Warmest regards, Lisa Marie

P.S. I'm not originally from Arkansas, (from S. Calif.), but this place does grow on you. We've been here 11 years now and continue to relocate due to the nature of my husband's work. The only nuisance in this area are the ticks as we are sandwiched between cattle pastures. I can put up with the chiggers, and am happy to see the visiting armadillos, raccoons, and opossums.
Welcome aboard!! It's always nice to have a women's perspective on things.
Oh, thanks EjinVA, kilted1, SailorJack, and SlowPuffs! You are all so kind! I'm pleased to be here and look forward to visiting often!

Warmest regards, Lisa Marie

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