Hello from Denmark

Brothers of Briar

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Active member
Jul 7, 2018
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Hello, and thanks for accepting me on your forum :)

I've been a pipe smoker since the 80s (am an older boy in my early 50s by now). I used to have a quite extensive pipe collection until tragedy struck around 2010: I decided to give up smoking and thought a radical step would be the best support for my efforts: So I broke the entire collection and through the lot in the garbage can, including 5 Stanwells, 3 Winsløw, a couple of Savinellis, a Peterson and several others.

Not quite sure if you still accept me on the board after this confession... :x Anyway, it lasted less than a week, before I sneaked around the corner and bought a cheap drugstore pipe and a pouch of bad tobacco. And cried over the loss of my good pipes...
And that has been the state of things right up until about five months ago when I said to myself: This is ridiculous! I bought my first estate pipe, a beautiful old BBB Classic deLuxe and some tins of Rattray's and McConnell's, and I was in heaven again!

So now my collection is up to 5 estate pipes that all smoke great. Don't want a vast collection again, but I suppose there's still room for a few in the rack.

Welcome Jens. There's more than one of us here who have gone through the same thing so you're in good company. Glad to know you've returned to the pipe and may it offer you many hours of relaxation.


Welcome to the fold Jens, I think we've all done things we regret, part of becoming human in my opinion.


So true, Tim.

And, by the way, my stupidity only went that far: I kept the one pipe I had from my beloved late grandfather - an old Comoy's with a silver ring repair on the bowl. Since it's not smokeable, I even kept "his" oxidation on the stem. The best of the rest still live in memory.
JensDK":qzvibuu5 said:
Hello, and thanks for accepting me on your forum  :)

I've been a pipe smoker since the 80s (am an older boy in my early 50s by now). I used to have a quite extensive pipe collection until tragedy struck around 2010: I decided to give up smoking and thought a radical step would be the best support for my efforts: So I broke the entire collection and through the lot in the garbage can, including 5 Stanwells, 3 Winsløw, a couple of Savinellis, a Peterson and several others.

Not quite sure if you still accept me on the board after this confession... :x Anyway, it lasted less than a week, before I sneaked around the corner and bought a cheap drugstore pipe and a pouch of bad tobacco. And cried over the loss of my good pipes...
And that has been the state of things right up until about five months ago when I said to myself: This is ridiculous! I bought my first estate pipe, a beautiful old BBB Classic deLuxe and some tins of Rattray's and McConnell's, and I was in heaven again!

So now my collection is up to 5 estate pipes that all smoke great. Don't want a vast collection again, but I suppose there's still room for a few in the rack.
My experience wasn't as radical. I got rid of close to a hundred pipes, but not in the garbage can. And I saved at least ten. However, I still know the feeling and having returned to regular pipe smoking just recently, I can empathize. Welcome aboard.
Welcome, Jens. I had a similar thing happen also. I kept 2 of my grandfather's pipes for a long time, but had stopped smoking pipes for particular reasons. Then one day out of the blue, I threw them away. I've regretted it ever since. Especially since I started smoking pipes again. So, you are not alone! Please enjoy your time here, and happy puffing!
Welcome to the forum sir! Always room for another member, and we surely all have confessions that could curdle fresh cream... No worries, welcome! Feel free to express yourself! :cheers:
Welcome Jens to the forum. Post up pictures for us as your collection grows.
Rattrays and Mcconnell...you're speaking my language. Welcome to the community. I think we're gonna get along just fine.<img class="emojione" alt="?" title=":blush:" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/emojione/assets/png/1f60a.png?v=2.2.7"/>

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BriarBeagle":faqeyj5f said:
Rattrays and Mcconnell...you're speaking my language. Welcome to the community. I think we're gonna get along just fine.<img class="emojione" alt="?" title=":blush:" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/emojione/assets/png/1f60a.png?v=2.2.7"/>

Sent from Topic'it App
Yep, I’m sure we are :) Old time top favourites. Good stuff is harder and harder to get by in my neighbourhood, but luckily they are both in my dealers supply, and sales are stabile, he says.

Thanks everybody for your nice welcome. Feels like a fine place to be!
Jens, you seem pretty comfortable in the American English vernacular. Not a google translation as that would be evident.

If you don't mind my asking, how are you so familiar with us yanks and our native and generic way of speech? Just curious, that's all. It's not often we have foreign nationals join us and also have the power of speech we use daily. No disrespect or insinuation meant here.


Brewdude":2mumf0ec said:
Jens, you seem pretty comfortable in the American English vernacular. Not a google translation as that would be evident.

If you don't mind my asking, how are you so familiar with us yanks and our native and generic way of speech? Just curious, that's all. It's not often we have foreign nationals join us and also have the power of speech we use daily. No disrespect or insinuation meant here.



Thanks a lot, Brewdude! No disrespect or insinuation felt on my part. Don't know, guess I just always loved language and work with it daily. English/American and Scandinavian languages seem to translate very easily to one another. Also, Scandinavian countries are small, and we have to try harder, because no one speaks our languages. But, yes, I have one personal thing about US American: I love your music - especially country, bluegrass, folk and jazz. So perhaps some sentences or words stick to memory when you listen for years.
JensDK":1dz2xwj2 said:
Brewdude":1dz2xwj2 said:
Jens, you seem pretty comfortable in the American English vernacular. Not a google translation as that would be evident.

If you don't mind my asking, how are you so familiar with us yanks and our native and generic way of speech? Just curious, that's all. It's not often we have foreign nationals join us and also have the power of speech we use daily. No disrespect or insinuation meant here.



Thanks a lot, Brewdude! No disrespect or insinuation felt on my part. Don't know, guess I just always loved language and work with it daily. English/American and Scandinavian languages seem to translate very easily to one another. Also, Scandinavian countries are small, and we have to try harder, because no one speaks our languages. But, yes, I have one personal thing about US American: I love your music - especially country, bluegrass, folk and jazz. So perhaps some sentences or words stick to memory when you listen for years.
Jens, thanks for the considered response. You have already proven yourself to be an asset to the site. And I look forward to your continued participation.



Apologies Jens. I'm normally pretty good at being part of the welcoming party, but for some reason you slipped through the net. So...!

A hearty welcome from across the North Sea (makes a change from the Atlantic!). One more for Team Europe!
Stick":mgc5su4a said:
Apologies Jens. I'm normally pretty good at being part of the welcoming party, but for some reason you slipped through the net.  So...!

A hearty welcome from across the North Sea (makes a change from the Atlantic!).  One more for Team Europe!
Thanks a lot, Stick! :) And no keed to apologize - I do not always pick up on everything myself.
Yay! And another one for the old british art of pipe smoking! I just ordered a beautiful Peterson estate with a sterling silver ring. Look in the mail box every day and can hardly wait!
Welcome Jens, i had the pleasure to visit your country in the 60"s and fell in love with the people and culture. i have some pipes from your country and each time i fire one up it brings back fond memories of clogs and great times.
P.S. i still have the clogs but my arthritic feet wont let me wear them for long.

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