Hello, and thanks for accepting me on your forum 
I've been a pipe smoker since the 80s (am an older boy in my early 50s by now). I used to have a quite extensive pipe collection until tragedy struck around 2010: I decided to give up smoking and thought a radical step would be the best support for my efforts: So I broke the entire collection and through the lot in the garbage can, including 5 Stanwells, 3 Winsløw, a couple of Savinellis, a Peterson and several others.
Not quite sure if you still accept me on the board after this confession... :x Anyway, it lasted less than a week, before I sneaked around the corner and bought a cheap drugstore pipe and a pouch of bad tobacco. And cried over the loss of my good pipes...
And that has been the state of things right up until about five months ago when I said to myself: This is ridiculous! I bought my first estate pipe, a beautiful old BBB Classic deLuxe and some tins of Rattray's and McConnell's, and I was in heaven again!
So now my collection is up to 5 estate pipes that all smoke great. Don't want a vast collection again, but I suppose there's still room for a few in the rack.