Hello from Vancouver, BC

Brothers of Briar

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New member
Aug 14, 2020
Reaction score
Hey all,

Just thought I'd say hello, new member signed up from Vancouver BC. Weathers been great lately but it is definitely getting colder.

Found a great spot to smoke outdoors on the Fraser River, turns out that when the tide goes way out in the mornings there are these little wind shelter spots along the banks where the clay sticks out with all the roots. Having a harder time outdoors with my cobs lately, and thats what my first post is going to be about if I can manage to figure out how to make one.


Stan :flower:
Happy to welcome you aboard the good ship BoB Stan. You'll find several other Canucks lurking in our ranks!

I've been up your way several times when I lived in the greater Seattle area.  


Welcome to BoB! I hope your outdoor spots continue to work for you.


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