Help me identify this billiard

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012
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Hello brothers,

Below is a picture of one my newer pipes, a nice billiard which is a little longer than 7 inches and bit taller than 2 inches. (It has a slightly shorter bent sister pipe.)

The question is, who made this pipe? The only clues beyond the appearance is that it has a small stamp “Italy” on the underside of the shank near the stem and the “S“ which is clearly seen on the stem in the photo.

Your help is appreciated.

I took a quick look at:

Could be a few things. It almost looks like a Savinelli Natural, but I don't think they've used such a stamp. I guess I'm not much help. :cry:
It does look indeed like a Savinelli, but one of the many they make which are marketed without their logo and/or stamping. They make ALOT of pipes. Nice find.
Cigar2you":ddhdg67w said:
Looks like an Italian Seville
I second this. At least it looks like the "S" logo they use. I'm not ruling out Savinelli, but the Natural I have is marked with their "coat of arms" logo on the bottom, with nothing on the stem.
Also I have never seen a savinelli natural billard over 7 inches
I looked around Pipephil, a great resource, but with nothing definitive I turned to you guys.

The idea that I somehow picked up a savinelli (second), or even a saville, for the few dollars I spent on it is great. :cheers:

Still cleaning it up and hope to have a smoke in it this weekend.