Doi itasimashite, Jim. I dated a Japanese lady in Cali for several years. She was actually American being born in the States but both parents were full blooded. They took her back to Japan when she was 3 and she went through HS in Japan, thus spoke fluent Japanese. Came back to the US at 19 and turned into a total Valley girl, lol. Her Dad was some kind of high ranking govt official. She said he could park his car anywhere in Tokyo and never get a ticket. When I met her she wore blue jeans, drove a Porsche, and rode a Harley. She taught me a few words in Japanese, like konichiwa and arigato, so I could attend functions with her at her Japanese owned company Sanyo. I always thought it amusing at their Xmas parties when the wives would come up to me and bow. Even some of the men. Maybe because at 6'2" I towered over most of them, lol. Anyway, I learned to love their culture and always wanted to visit but life kept getting in the way.