I need to have apps on mobile phone to get discounts in store now.

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
B of B Supporter
Sep 10, 2017
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Queensland, Australia
I have never really felt discriminated from memory until the last week.
I ordered a pizza from dominos and the deal was $40au for 3 pizzas and 3 sides pick up. I went down there and ordered and the dude said no that is only on the app.
ok i was annoyed and just went with the flow.

A few days later I had a paper voucher from dominos that said 3 pizzas and 3 sides for $40au delivered , ok so I ordered the 3 pizzas and ordered various "sides" from there "sides" menu. The dude on the phone said no sides are only a soft drink or standard garlic bread. agggh ok so 2 garlic breads and a pepsi max it is, when it was delivered the dude said "that will be $40.75c I exclaimed with respect f*&K off its $40 he replied "ok damn the computer how it acts".

Today I went to the local BWS / grog shop to buy a bottle of bunderberg rum as it was on special and when I went to checkout the dude said do you have the app?
I said no, he said after I gave him the evil eye "its ok ill us my phone" and said that to get ticketed specials i need to have the app on my phone for him to scan to get the discount wt f&^king F%^K!!!!

Has any other people had this problem?
Ps I only order pizzas probably every 4 or 5 months but it was my birthday ok :LOL:
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I'm with you. I'm so tired of this crap. Gotta have an app, or it's "on-line only" stuff, or they want a phone number or email for the "rewards program". My printer shot craps the other day and I bought a new one; no manual with it, I had to go to their website for instructions on setting it up! Local TV news only gives a teaser on most stories and then it's "go to our website or facebook for more on this story". I got a prescription yesterday: it was $46 with my insurance at Walgreens, but at Walmart with GoodRx it was $13.16. Really? I guess the whole point is to make it as difficult as possible for us old folks so we either can't do it or we get tired of the hassle and give up; that way they can bilk us out of the most money possible
I am extremely selective about who I give my phone number, much less my e-mail, etc. If I miss out on openly advertised deals because I don't have an ap I just walk off without paying. It's not like they have any of my personal information to track me. Never used points cards either. If I'm asked for personal information at a check-out, I just refuse. COVID made many people targets for this kind of privacy invasion and with the removal of restrictions regarding COVID I went back to restricting my personal information ... a topic better suited to the rubber room, so I'll stop there.
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They're all doing it these days. A massive data grab for nefarious purposes IMHO.

Macca's has been doing it too for over a year now and one even wouldn't take cash when my son tried buying a burger there.

Instant loss of business for me if any business tries to pull that crap.
I am extremely selective about who I give my phone number, much less my e-mail, etc. If I miss out on openly advertised deals because I don't have an ap I just walk off without paying. It's not like they have any of my personal information to track me. Never used points cards either. If I'm asked for personal information at a check-out, I just refuse. COVID made many people targets for this kind of privacy invasion and with the removal of restrictions regarding COVID I went back to restricting my personal information ... a topic better suited to the rubber room, so I'll stop there.
yeah I never have had loyalty/discount cards either just asking for even more spam and scams hey.
They're all doing it these days. A massive data grab for nefarious purposes IMHO.

Macca's has been doing it too for over a year now and one even wouldn't take cash when my son tried buying a burger there.

Instant loss of business for me if any business tries to pull that crap.
100% data grab, no cash bloody crazy hey.
Here in the west coast, parking meters are disappearing. Now, one must download an app on one's phone and pay for parking that way. Worst of all is that every city, and sometimes different parts of one city all have their own apps.
I won't capitulate to this trend. Downloading a third party app to pay to park is something I just won't do.
Those above talking about a data grab are correct. In general, on YouTube or any other free platform or service, you are the product being sold by way of your information to advertisers or other obscure groups.
I quit going to those places or just pay the $$ if I have to go to one. We usually plan to only shop at places that don't require data mining. The exception is McD's. We go there if the grandkids want to but still don't give up our data.