Impromptu Poker Game in the Mancave

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2017
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Got a call this after noon that my buddy was down with the flu.  Was obviously sorry to hear it but then I was informed that he would not be hosting this evenings poker game, as a result, and was asked if I could have it at my place.

This is obviously not the first time I"ve had the boys over for cards, but I had to scramble to get things ready, made more difficult than before because of all the additions, wall unit, wing back chairs, etc...

I had Nick come up and give me a hand.  We moved the desk up against the wall, the wing back chairs down into the dormer where the folded up poker table and chairs usually reside, and then set up the table on a diagonal.

Here's how it turned out...




Here's what I'll be starting off with...

A little MM965 in my favorite Dunnie

Here's a few shots of the rest of the Mancave with a few new signs on the walls and a few more tins on the shelves...







Holy Schmidt Dino, could you please provide more pics! :shock:

That is a serious mancave you got yourself there brother, and while I'm no card player I'd love to hang out




the festivities ended round 2:30 and my neighbor just left, after we had another scotch or three and a couple of cubans.

Thought I'd post a pic of the two newest pipe converts in the mancave....


Looks like a good time was had by all that were there. How about those two pipe converts, what tobacco were they smoking?

I wish I could convert some of my neighbors to cigars or pipes. They are all tree huggers and clean air freaks. Not that there is anything wrong with that!
Thanks for all the kind words guys.

The room is a work in progress, but it's gettin there. ;)

I started Steve and Dave out with fresh unsmoked MM Cobs. (some folks seem a bit hesitant about smoking an old estate or a briar, fearing that they might hurt it or something).

I packed both bowls with Carter Hall, thinking that it was a mild introduction to pipe tobacco.

They both loved it.

They then asked what I was smoking when I started the evening. I explained that it was Dunhill MM965 and probaby my favorite every day smoke.

After hearing this they both had to try it.

They were both blown away. Absolutely loved it.

I sent em both home with their new MM Cobs, a small bag of CH & MM965, and a tamper.

All in all a great evening.

Oh, and I was the big winner at the table. 8)
You have a few tins of Esoterica stuff I see.  I notice you also smoke my favorite cigar  brand-- Arturo Fuente. Those boys know how to make a cigar better than anyone
Yup Slow,

I've been on a bit of an acquisition adventure this past year for the various blends of Esoterica that appeal to me. The only one that eludes me so far is St. Ives. But I'm still a lookin. :D

As far as cigars go... I'm a definite Arturo Fan Boy. Last night the first cigar I smoked was an 858. I smoke a lot of the curly heads out on the golf course, Opus X for more special occasions, and Cuban's on really special occasions or with fellow cigar lovers who appreciate them, kinda like last night.
Thanks SM,

It's been a fun journey over the years turning it into not only my home office but my Mancave.

When I was having it built I happened to catch an episode of The Man Cave Show on DIY, they were building a hermetically sealed cigar room for a guy in Chicago whose wife wouldn't let him even smoke em in the garage during the winter (time to trade er in and upgrade in my opinion ;) )

The thing that they put in that room was a quiet high velocity exhaust fan.

That got me to thinking and I started researching fans and came across the Panasonic Whisper Quiet Whole House Exhaust fan. The one I went with is the 440 cfm. It's mounted out in the attic and is connected to what look like three AC vents in the ceiling.

It works really well. At one point last night every person but one was smoking either a cigar, pipe or cigarette, although there was some smoke in the room it is all exhausted relatively quickly.
Brewdude":v7r3knsl said:
Holy Schmidt Dino, could you please provide more pics! :shock:

That is a serious mancave you got yourself there brother, and while I'm no card player I'd love to hang out




Here ya go BD.

It's gonna be a lot of the same, not a very big room, but here it is after kinda puttin it back to the way it was before the poker game...













Noticed the copies of Encyclopedia Britannica...I remember when the salesman used to come to the house to sell us on the nowa days have no clue as to what I'm talking about and what they are missing in their electronic life.

That is what separates the generations, I'm afraid.

Beautiful setup. Your mancave is about the size of my house. Yeah, I'm poor, but rich in knowledge and friends.

pepesdad1":23ivmmlg said:
Noticed the copies of Encyclopedia Britannica...I remember when the salesman used to come to the house to sell us on the nowa days have no clue as to what I'm talking about and what they are missing in their electronic life.

That is what separates the generations, I'm afraid.

Beautiful setup.  Your mancave is about the size of my house.  Yeah, I'm poor, but rich in knowledge and friends.


Thanks Walt.

I have had all of my kids use these encyclopedias over the years. Great for them to learn how to actually do research besides depending on google or wikipedia to answer their questions.

Thanks also for the kind comments on the cave. As I've mentioned on other threads, most of the furnishings are craigslist finds that averaged around $100 or so.... The wall unit, $100... The chairs, $100 for the pair... The sofa, $100... The three new tables, $110... etc...


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