Indulge me in a bit of melancholy and nostalgia...

Brothers of Briar

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West of the East and East of the West
Feb 24, 2009
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Kansas prairie
I was sitting doing a bit of work at my desk, and my eyes swept - as they often do - across the pipe rack sitting on the shelf above. I took no particular note, went on about my work, and when finished I stepped away to get a bite to eat.

My good wife being out of town, I rummage about in the fridge, found a left-over something-or-other with chicken and almonds, popped it in the microwave, and devoured it out of necessity if not with relish. Then I thought I’d like to have a smoke.

Approaching said rack, my hand reached almost instinctively to a particular pipe; why, I cannot say. It’s noting special - a Jobey Safari shape of decent but unremarkable grain. It languishes in the rack; frankly, I can’t remember the last time I smoked it. But tonight it was “the pipe:”. I had open tobacco in the truck, and could have fetched it, but for some reason tonight that was not good enough; I popped the seal on a new tin of McClelland’s British Woods Mixture. I’m not very adventurous these days; it’s my steady blend, and a tobacco I trust. The aroma of a newly-opened tin was just as I’d expected. Filling the pipe, I grabbed another glass of wine - again, nothing special, just a decent “jug” red that is our usual table fare - and retired to the deck. There, in the gathering darkness, I enjoyed the pipe and the wine; how simple are the pleasures we most appreciate!


Through the haze of the smoke (and perhaps of the wine!) my mind drifted back over the years…I bought this pipe when I was in graduate school - 1970 or so. I was enamored with the shape then - who knows why - and in those days the pipe was a frequent companion. And I have its twin, the same model but in the sandblast version. My friend and I purchased them , maybe not at the same time but certainly in the same year. We were poor grad students, and he may have chosen the sandblast because it was a few dollars cheaper. His pipe has seen rather more use. It is heavily caked, and the stem has been bitten through. He gave it to me some years ago in a shoebox containing all his pipes when he quite smoking. Although I’ve never smoked it since he gave it to me, it sits on my desk in a place of honor, in its own individual stand.

I was best man at his wedding; I even bought a new jacket on the way, having nothing I felt was acceptable to wear. He lives across town from me, but we rarely see each other, or even speak. Yet, a few years ago when I needed to rework the stock on a rifle I had purchased he was the one I called, because I knew he would know how to work the wood and I knew I could trust him. And it turned out beautifully.

So tonight, although I did not exactly smoke “his pipe“, I thought of him, and our times together, And they were many, and they were much more than just the sharing of a similar pipe shape. And I missed him.
Since you've got the two bowls, it seems like exactly the moment to call him up and invite him over. I can't think of a nicer evening, and you can't make old friends again; if you can smoke your pipe, so much the better.
So this is really only chapter one--the next chapter, "Reunion Of Old Friends."

You have the pipes, I assume tobacco.


I agree with my other brothers. I think its time to call your freind up and have him come over for a bowl. Your story reminds me that I have a few buddies I need to give a call.
It's good to have good, old friends.

I have old, good friends who are sometimes really bad.

Which is why today I'm nursing a hangover from a brothel bar last night. Oy vey. :x :lol:
Your words are eloquent and evoke emotions that we can all relate to. Since he does not smoke a pipe now I'm assuming he would not want to smoke with you. But, he would probably enjoy the aroma of some pipe tobacco he once smoked and would bring some fond memories to light. He sounds like a brother to me and a close one at that. Friendships are about what YOU make of them. Don't wait for the other guy to make the first move.