Not good news to me.
smokingpipes is by far the biggest, most powerful pipe shop in the US. They throw the weight around with 5 Xs as much advertising as anyone else. They can afford to. Then too, as their ad admonishes us to believe, they are "experts." What a doodle-oooh of a claim. Not experts but just the fatcats; arrogant bilge! They may be "merging" but I view it as more of a buyout; and C&D is no small potatoes. They have many, many blends themselves and blend for at least a half-dozen others. They tin for a good many, too, GLP the most noteworthy. Pease has almost 50 blends; can you imagine the work, and the dollars, even that of itself generates?
I'm not saying that sp does bad business; they get it right, and no matter who you talk to in customer service, they want to be of service. Mr. Wilford scoped out the business long ago, and their pipe business is so very solid, and I great earner. Need I point out that pipes are the big-ticket items for businesses? I just don't like anyone that big who aspires to be so much bigger, and this "merger" with C&D, once the kinks are worked out, will probably increase their bottom line by 50%? I don't know what their numbers will be, and I'm not a businessman; but C&D is big and they will make sp's business that much bigger.