Is it necessary to use a brush when cleaning

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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2013
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Specifically, I am talking about my Falcon pipe, which has threads on the bowl. I am wondering if I could be using a soft but firm bristles when cleaning the threaded areas and small parts. I've only used pipe cleaners so far. Thanks everyone.
I do not use anything but tissue paper to clean the threads of my Falcons. I don't see why I should worry about the "oil" between the threads because it can't reach the inside of the bowl/pipe. I'm careful with them theads as I don't want to spoil my pipes.
To keep the threads clean I don't see any reason why you couldn't use a tooth brush on them ever so often, just don't use yours.
Although I don't smoke this type pipe I have done this many times when restoring them and they generally need it badly because of resinous build up in them. YMMV  :D 
A soft bristle toothbrush would do the job nicely, although not terribly important to clean the bowl thread the build up of oils and residue could end in a pretty stinky bowl I would imagine, I used to clean my old Falcon bowl thread after each smoke, best to avoid smelly pipe syndrome I feel.  :cheers: :sunny: 
I like my Falcons squeaky clean. I remove the bowl and scrub the hell out of 'em with a veggie brush!
