Is sharing really caring?

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Kyle Weiss

Well-known member
Sep 18, 2011
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9, one of the phenomenon I've most encountered, especially in a social setting, when in public with my pipe, is not so much the random questions or comments of typical nature.

"Oh, my grandfather smoked a pipe! I love the way it smells!"

"Wow, that's a pretty pipe, where'd you get it? People still smoke those?"

Or even more inviting,

"I used to [or currently] smoke a pipe, I see you here a lot, I should come smoke with you sometime!"

What really makes me both feel like a jerk and get irritated all at the same time is when I get asked:

"Can I try it?"


"Hey, pass the love?" ( if it were weed...)

Anyone else get that asked of them?

I assume it's more likely the age group I'm around, especially where I roast coffee, where college-age and thereabouts hang out, but sometimes it's people older than I am. Yes, I'm quite used to getting treated as a novelty, because people assume I'm still 23 when they first approach me, I'm obviously eccentric :roll: , but I usually reply with, "Yes, you can try pipe smoking, there's very inexpensive cobs over at Tinder Box, and you can get a half ounce of tobacco, all for under $10. If you're serious about it, come back and we'll smoke. Pipes are a personal object for those who own them." Historically, I know Native Americans passed the tobacco pipe for various altruistic reasons, but something is amiss when some random stranger wants to sip my smoke, especially when it's out of pure whimsy and novelty.

Sometimes I'm looked at like I'm an ******* because I didn't share, or because I answered like a smart-ass old man. :lol:

Was I wrong, or justified, to not just "give up my smoke?"

I'm still going to deny people (it's gross! :lol:) ...just wondering what you all and others might do.
The pot reference isn't an age thing.
The guy that taught me about 70% of my current knowledge of my profession rode in my truck the other day. He saw J's Stanwell sittin on the dash and made a pot crack or a crack pot or something. He's 63.

As far as sharing? No. That's akin to kissing the dude/dudette. Random people kissing isn't something I do.
Ask them if they'd use a stranger's tooth brush and tell them that's how you feel about passing a pipe. Ofcourse this is assuming they would not use a stranger's tooth brush. If they would then that's all the more reason not to let them use your pipe, that's just gross.
I think it was more my belief the "sharing" thing was an age thing: I've had 65 year old folks get a twinkle in their eye when they determine I'm "cool" and want to test my chemical intake. :lol: I'm always flattered, but would much rather have a stiff drink. :lol:

Yeah, I'm not too thrilled at the aspect of swapping mouthcritters. Some people I know probably would use a toothbrush used by someone else, and yeah, they especially can stay away from my briar.
That's one of the reasons I buy cobs a dozen at a time. You might look into buying and carrying a few Eaton's with you. They're small and quite affordable.
I'm not the "approachable" type. Certainly not the kind of guy most people would feel comfortable asking to try my pipe. LOL

Suits me just fine. :twisted:
I couldn’t conceive the circumstances where I would share the joys of my pipes, especially with a complete stranger. Well, yes I can. As Shootist51 remarked, if it were a hot chick, I’d really have to reconsider my position. (Did I say that?)
I agree, if it were a young lady I couldn't hand it to her fast enough.

If it were a gentlemen, he wouldn't have asked.
I have never been asked to share a pipe. I honestly don't know how I would react. I have no problem handing over a pint glass to let someone try my beer, so I don't know why the pipe should be different, but for some reason it is. Girls (usually drunk) come up to me and ask to smoke my cigar, that is always welcome, though again, if a guy did, well, that would be different. :suspect:
Odd you mention this...a friend of mine(not good friend mind you) saw me with my pipe when I first started and we were on our yearly vacation to Daytona...he said "Oh man, your smoking a pipe? Can I get a drag?". So I handed him my briar, he didn't full on lip it but he takes a toke...I was feeling WEIRD at that point.

Won't happen again, I was caught off guard. I think it IS a pot/weed smokers mentality though for some reason...hmmm....
I've had it happen once. I just said no. The guy didn't like it but I had the keys and was wearing the white uniform so what he liked didn't make a hell of a lot of difference.
Back in the pot days you passed a pipe , a joint, what ever. Toke, toke, pass, is the norm. Ive drank and passed the bottle. But now I wouldnt for nothing. My pipe is my pipe. and thats the way it is. No one bothers me in public any way, Unless I want them to., from what I'm gathering, I'm apparently approachable and attractive if people all want to put their mouth on my stem? :lol: Sorry, couldn't resist.

Well good, I guess I'm not being some out-of-place weirdo by explaining to people it's a personal object not to be shared.

I'll share a beer, though, so I wonder if it's a psychological connection with the pipe that's paramount to someone getting super intimate with your meditation, frame of mind or "peace," if that makes sense. Pipe smoking is extremely personal, and the ritual that goes with it is very unique. I find it a social activity in very rare circumstances, and even most of those are with other pipe smokers who genuinely "get it."

None of my close friends ever ask me "for a drag," or "a hit," it's usually just random, brash fools. If someone really takes an interest in pipes, hell, what a great excuse to head over to Tinder Box to get a real feel for what could lay ahead for them!
I was at a pipe show and sat at a table with other fine folks. They pulled out some tobacco for the table to enjoy, and I filled my pipe and enjoyed the smoke. When finished I cleaned out and then pulled up another tin (different blend) and was asked by another at the table if I would like to use one of his pipes for the second smoke. He had pulled out his pipe "roll" that had six or so pipes in it. At first I said no thanks that I'll use my own but he was insistent and did have some very nice pipes (looked expensive). I chose a bamboo shanked volcano. I did my best to clean up when done with pipe cleaners and a good wipe down. Not the same as a "mouth" to "mouth" exchange, but still using another smokers pipe.
I had a guy ask if he could try my pipe once and my reaction surprised me. I'm generally a very friendly person who rarely, if ever, gets snippy. When asked I replied something like, "Absolutely not. I don't share my pipes." Yeah, I'd say they're pretty personal.

I've also had someone offer to let me smoke one of their pipes and I just couldn't do it. It felt like he was asking me to sleep with his wife just to get my opinion.
calipuffer":tr5dis6x said:
I was at a pipe show and sat at a table with other fine folks. They pulled out some tobacco for the table to enjoy, and I filled my pipe and enjoyed the smoke. When finished I cleaned out and then pulled up another tin (different blend) and was asked by another at the table if I would like to use one of his pipes for the second smoke. He had pulled out his pipe "roll" that had six or so pipes in it. At first I said no thanks that I'll use my own but he was insistent and did have some very nice pipes (looked expensive). I chose a bamboo shanked volcano. I did my best to clean up when done with pipe cleaners and a good wipe down. Not the same as a "mouth" to "mouth" exchange, but still using another smokers pipe.
I couldn't have done that, I'd be way to worried about his pipe and me not caring for it in the fashion that he does, clenching, cleaning etc. Your a brave man sir.
When asked to share, the healthy thing to do is blow him a nosehit.
jlong":2wwhei17 said:
When asked to share, the healthy thing to do is blow him a nosehit.
Can we get a video demonstration? You may be on to something here.

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