It's just that simple. 8)
It's just that simple. 8)
According to PD, Uhle's 00 is P. Stokkebye Pressed Burley 702.Blackhorse":eaptwuvc said:OK - if you use the search engine over there you get 17 blends that score higher, but very few of them have more than one or a couple of reviews. I toss those out right off. Uhle's 00 is really the only one that has enough reviews for me to consider it. And Uhle's 00 is a very good has a strong following...has been around long enough to be known...if regularly available from a solid vendor...very high quality...broad appeal...etc. It's a player.
I would assume so. PD has mentioned this before here.Blackhorse":24dpvfzr said:Uhle's claims that Jack Uhle blends '00'. Does P Daddy know different?
That's spot on with how I regard the site as well. :face:Blackhorse":5q4dgy79 said:My spin on using the review of my favorite haunts:
So reviews are nice, and fun and often instructive...but just one guy's opinion. What I've done with good success is to go through a blend, again, that I think I know...and find maybe five guys that you totally agree with. Write 'em down. Look up other blends that you know and see what they say. Eventually develop a list of guys that really seem to be on your wavelength...and when you want to know what to think of a potential blend...check what they say. It's more of a known commodity that way and not so random.
That's what I think about the review site. I love it and consider it recreational reading. But it's not gospel.