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George Kaplan

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012
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So a couple of weeks ago I was at a sawmill my company does business with. I'm there for a few days every couple of weeks. It's mostly indoor work, so I usually have a couple tins of snuff handy. Near the end of the day, this Mexican guy comes up to me, looking a little nervous. "Hey Mr. George" he says, (that's what they call me, pronounced 'hor-hay' of course) "Hector say you like the cocaina."
Anyone else have their snuffing mistaken for another "habit"? I know Stackle had some concerns, being in the Army, but I haven't heard from him in a while.
George Kaplan":o2uddudh said:
"Hector say you like the cocaina."
Anyone else have their snuffing mistaken for another "habit"? I know Stackle had some concerns, being in the Army, but I haven't heard from him in a while.
Yes. I've heard that one before. I also have gotten plenty of... "Hey. Whatcha got in that pipe [wink]?".. comments. Or if I'm smoking a cigar, "That's a big-ass blunt!"

I shouldn't let it piss me off, but it does. It just makes me sad that that's the mind set of so many people. Perhaps my life is such that my social standing often places me among those with such a mind set. That I suppose, is entirely my own fault.

I don't like the time period I live in.
I thought it was pretty funny at the time. Especially after I explained it to him and gave him a pinch. Of course he sniffed way too hard like a noob, claimed to like it, and three minutes later I saw him blowing his nose. :p
After I thought about it, though, it just struck me as odd. I've been taking snuff since I quit cigarettes about two years ago and never hidden it. For them to think I'm just walking around openly snorting coke all that time is baffling. They must think I'm a raging coke fiend, and extremely privileged to get away with it like that!
Yeah.. that's pretty funny. That you just walk around in public openly snorting coke with no regard for the law. :p
Should have offered him a big snort, that would have been fun to watch :lol:
Puff Daddy":g0lequol said:
Should have offered him a big snort, that would have been fun to watch :lol:
Yeah, I know. I held out the open tin for him, but he was timid and only took a girly pinch. Maybe I should have cut a line for him. :twisted: Well, they know I'm not a coke head now, but they must think I'm a hard@$$ with cast iron sinuses!
haha thats awesome, :p I have just recently taken up snuff myself (because i have completely come off the cigs now :)) and yep, everybody that see's you taking a pinch always looks at you funny :S But i suppose at times i even get funny likes walking around with a pipe in my mouth, i guess people just dont like what isn't "the norm".

Personally i feel proud to have these "different" hobbies that people seem to judge me for, It makes me feel like im not just another sheep following the herd. I actually dont know one other true full time pipe smoker personally (other than my dad who has one occasionally instead of a cig) just you guys on here that i can sometimes chat with.

Anyway whats your favorite kind of snuff George?

I have only so far tried Gawiths apricot, Gawiths chocolate and cheif quality Red bull strong snuff. (i think the red bull one is my fav, it is my most used one anyway)
Hello, Daniel. I was under the impression that snuff-taking was more common in the UK. Perhaps that's just the stereotype of the 18th century British fop. :p (No offence, sir. Every culture has its clowns. We tend to elect ours to office.) In my region of the US, snuff is nearly unknown. To make matters worse. a recent law prohibits the US Postal Service from shipping any smokeless tobacco, including snuff. Of course the Royal Mail is not bound by this restriction, so any snuff I wish to order (even American) must come to me from England. Absurd. Luckily for me. my next-door neighbor, who first introduced me to snuff, laid down a vast supply prior to the law taking effect.
In answer to your question, I like Gawith Apricot as well. It's one of the few imports that's available at my local tobacconist. I also enjoy a pinch of Toque Peppermint first thing in the morning, or when I'm feeling drowsy. I admit a certain fondness for some of the Wilsons of Sharrow florals, such as Lavender and Rose. A bit of high dry toast, or its domestic cousin, Navy Scotch, is good when I'm craving a smokey nicotine hit. I'm not too fond of chocolate up my nose, and I haven't tried Red Bull. Indian snuff's are quite peculiar. I need to be in the mood for curry. :p I've experimented with German schmaltzlers, with varying degrees of success. Zweifacher got its own thread here. A bit of everything, I suppose! I guess I just like variety. Perhaps I should add Red Bull to the rotation.
Like you, I've found snuff to be an excellent means of nicotine management while quitting cigarettes. I suppose we've really only shifted the vector of our addiction, but it sure smells a lot nicer. :p
i think in the past it was a lot more common here, but nowadays it still seems really rare, and i heard about that, is it that the suppliers in the u.s are no longer allowed to stock the european blends? but you can still order them yourself? i have had a similar problem trying to order tobacco from the u.s, when it got here i was taxed on it again, british tax :( I have been desperate to try Mac Baren's honey and chocolate pipe tobacco but we cant have it here, some stupid old british law from around the 1800's to do with additives i think. i could buy it from the u.s but again, i would be taxed a stupid amount :( anyway back to the point, haha wow you have certainly tried a lot more different types than i have, but i would definitely recommend the red bull one, its a real good "airway clearer" haha, and yeah you're right, we have just altered our nicotine delivery device :p but i like to think that snuff is a much safer alternative, mostly anyway, just like pipes. :D

Have you ever tried, i think the brand's called Molens?? im considering ordering the lemon one. sounds nice :D

Nope. I've never tried any Molen's. I've had mixed results with citrus scents, but that's probably just personal taste. The Toque Toast and Marmalade was interesting, to say the least. Sounds like a foolish novelty, but it's a rather good "smoked bitter orange" flavor.
I'm not sure about specific import restrictions for retailers here. I can walk into my local tobacconist and buy whatever they happen to carry, but if I wanted to order something to be delivered to my house, no domestic carrier would ship it. So if I wanted, for instance, a tin of Rooster or Navy Scotch, (which are produced just a few states away) and I couldn't find it in a brick-and-mortar store, my only option as a private citizen is to purchase it from foreign vendor, such as Yes, that means that my domestic snuff must be exported to another country and then imported back via that country's post for me to enjoy it!
I think I've heard of that British ban on tobacco additives. Apparently "Lakeland Essence" is not considered an additive? Or does it only apply to imports? How strictly does your customs check personal mail. If you're willing to take the chance, I've got an open tin of Honey and Chocolate that I'd be happy to share. Let me know.
Oh cool, well i've not yet tried any citrus ones, but i think the molens lemon one will definitely be the first, and thats a very connfusing way to have to buy snuff :S and sounds really rather pointless to me, Perhaps they end up making more on it with import tax's or something? i dunno, To be honest i have no idea why we are so restricted in regards to additives, I personnaly just think the British government are far too concerned with what is bad for you, hence why we no longer have things lucky charms and all those awesome cerials that you guys can get, I used to be obsessed with lucky charms as a kid, now the only way to get them here is order them from certain stockists (few and far between) and they go for about four times the price they should be :/ and we only recently got mountain dew back :/ anyway back to the point, Wow that is an incredibly generous offer, and i would indeed be willing to take the risk, A couple of questions and points first though, if you really dont mind sending me a bit, 1. how much do you want for it? 2. you'll have to let me know what it costs you to post it to me, and i will cover all costs with a paypal payment to you, (if you have paypal that is?) if not a bank transfer, and 3... well, just, i would be really very grateful to you, i really appreciate the offer. :) also if you dont mind, and you are REALLY sure you want to take the time and effort to indulge a poor Brit that is severely restricted on choice by his stupid country, haha :p Would it be ok to sort it all out at the beginning of next month?

Just incase i have to pay the import tax and stuff, so i know i have enough :p

thanks again. :)
Daniel, you misunderstand what I mean by "sharing". I know this must sound strange coming from an American, but I don't expect payment. :p Whenever you feel financially able to pay the possible import tax on your end, just PM your address to me and I'll send you the remainder (approx 40g) of the tin I mentioned. Gratis.
Wow, :shock: well that is VERY kind of you, haha i dont think it sounds strange coming from an american, as such, more like from anyone! :p maybe the people i know are just not that generous, haha, Well really thank you so much, that means a lot :) Are you sure i cant at least cover your postage if nothing else? i dont want you to be out of pocket, and its so good of you to do it in the first place.

Now if only i can find something to return the favour....hmmm, Anything in particular you cant get over there that you really want to try? :)

Anyway thank you George!!

I'll PM you when i know for certain i have the spare money available. :)


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