Jan Pietenpauw pipes - hand made in South Africa

Brothers of Briar

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Greetings Brothers!

Residing in South Africa, many of you have been asking me about JAN PIETENPAUW PIPES. Indeed, they are worth seeing. Master Jan or Oubaas (old boss) as we call him is one of the most generous brilliant guys to hit planet earth. His pipes are fantastic and finally he is receiving the international recognition he so deserves.
There is much to tell about the old guy but I will allow you to investigate this for yourself when visiting his website.

How blessed I am to be a pipe smoker. Today I was summoned to the old man's workshop. He has just gifted me on of many Poy's he has been commissioned to make. The reason for his "madness" is that he claims he might have tunnel vision and wanted an honest opinion on how they smoke. Well, Oubaas and I have been friends for a long time, as a matter of fact everything I have learnt about pipe mechanics I learnt from him. Now, I own many of his pipes, from early proto types to some real fancy stuff, including the pick axe on his logo . Stating that they smoke well would be a lie...... they are just bloody fantastic and the POY I received today is just as good if not better.

Besides being the best pipe maker in South Africa, and I say this with confidence, the Oubaas is a real nice guy. He has a deep passion for the briar pipe and always willing to share trade secrets. Nothing ever gets him down and his personality is warm and friendly. He is best summed up when smoking one of his pipes because when you smoke a Pietenpauw he shares his generous friendship and warm personality with you.

Oubaas JAN PIETENPAUW.... the Brothers of Briar Salute you as a master craftsman and a hell of a nice guy!

Please visit: www.pietenpauw.co.za

You will be pleasantly surprised to see what comes out of deep dark Africa. I have not posted any pictures here as there is to much to show. It would be better for you Gents to go see for yourselves!

Thanks for your time Gents!
Happy smoking

Piet Binsbergen

Just reading his site, he seems like a fine carver and a gracious fellow as well.

Have you smoked one of his African Blackwood pipes? If so, how do they smoke? Always curious about non-briarwood pipes.

Yes I have, They are great! You will see a couple in his gallery. There is alot of interest in his Blackwood creations!
thanks for your interest Doc.!


Some nice pieces in the gallery, looks like a carver to watch.
Your very fortunate to know him so well, and get to be his pipe tester.

Thanks for the info!!! Gorgeous pipes!! If I ever get back to Jo'berg, I must link up with you, Muddler, and go visit Jan!!!!!!!! FTRPLT

always welcome here in S.A. my friend! Imagine that....... it would be fantastic! Be sure to look us up if you are ever round our neck of the woods!
Thanks for sharing this info. The website is nice and the pipes are beautiful. Hopefully someday, I will smoke one. In the meantime, Happy Puffing.
Thanks for stopping by and welcome to the brotherhood my man! :bounce:
Wow! Piet. Those are some fantastic looking pipes that your friend carves!

Thanks for sharing this with us!

I too look forward to possibly visiting there and maybe getting together with the brothers over there. Hopefully when my son goes back to SA I will get to visit at some time. The last time he was there, he was in Nelspruit.
we are in Pretoria, about an hour and a half away.......... when in SA, a brother of the walnut fine leaf is a brother of mine! consider yourself well connected here my friend!
Thanks for stopping by!
Wow! I especially like the "Africana" pipe1010!

As an incidental note, the music chosen for the YouTube Bing video caught me by surprise! It's a tune by Domenico Scarlatti and I was just practicing a set of variations on this theme a few days ago on trumpet.....I had never heard the original version on harpsichord, hahaha.

Class act bro! 8)
I'm going to get one of those African Blackwood pipes!!! And some of his blasts rival the Americans, who in my opinion are the best blasters in the world!
Linking those blackwood pipes as well.

How do they perform compared to briar?
I also post on Pipe Chat and Jean did our POY last year as well as this year .This guy makes a Pipe that will make a Dunhill cry. I have a great Poker enroute as we speak.
The only exotic wood pipes I own are made from olive. They perform beyond briar as you can smoke them daily. Johan Slabbert who made them and Tarek of "The Italian Pipe" say so, too.

I don't know how African Blackwood performs. Good question to put to their maker before investing.
I really like the Blackwood pipes. Does he make these often? I'm going to keep an eye on one of those.
I am the senior moderator over at PipeChat.info and have worked with Jean on our POY pipes. Two of the pipes on his site are with my name on them. I have to say, I would put his pipes up against anybodies pipes, except Jean prices his much lower than comparable makers. They are the best smoking pipes Ihave ever smoked and Ihave smoked the pipe for 40 years. I own two currently, have another in the mail to me I commisioned and another on order for the next POY. Jean is a good guy and easy to work with. So are his buddies. If i ever get near SA, I for sure would like to meet up with them. Check out our POY coming up on our site and the price he is doing it for. You will be amazed.
I only have 4, I have a pipechat POY ordered for 2011, I still need atleast 2 more!






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