Jim's Mississippi River Review.

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2012
Reaction score
The red Virginia is tangy, dark fruit sweet with a little earth, rather McClelland-like in that there’s a very mild barbeque flavor present at the beginning. The stoved Virginias have a fermented sugary fruitiness. The perique offers some spice with raisin and fig notes. The Cyprian latakia is an important supporting player, adding a sweet smoky woodiness that is obvious in every puff. The Oriental is also a minor player, not always detectable, but it is woody with a slight sour hit here and there. Presented in an easily broken apart krumble cake, it may need a little dry time. Burns slow and clean, requires some relights, and has a consistent, complex, rich and creamy smooth sweet taste to the finish. Leaves just a little moisture in the bowl. Has a very pleasant after taste and room note.

Some smokers have complained that the newer production, which is made by a different company than it first was, is not as good as the original. In comparing the 2011 version versus the 2015 several times in back to back smokes, I taste very few minor differences, e.g., the red Virginia is more prominent with less of the McClelland notes at the beginning, the perique seems to occasionally be a shade more noticeable in the new manufacture. I don’t see any of that worth complaining about, and the two versions are certainly not night and day different. In this instance, I think the power of suggestion over rides the taste buds of those smokers.
Thanks for the review Jim. I haven't smoked this in a while, but your review makes me want to get some soon! :)
Thanks for another informative and well written review. I've been meaning to try this one for awhile and it's on "the list" now.

Another fine review Jim! This sounds like a blend I would want to keep in regular rotation.
Great review. But IMO it should have been called Mississippi River Bottom. Just didn't do anything for me. Maybe I need to try it in another pipe.
Nice review, Jim. Think I might break out some of my jarred Mississippi River tonight! I enjoy comparing my tasting notes next to Jim's, see if I can catch those sweet subtle nuances.
The review of this tobacco by JimInks is spot on. I had never smoked any of this until last week. My friend Chris (DrumsAndBeer) sent me a sample and after several bowls I find the OP hit the nail on the head. It's a great smoke. I think it fortunate that I hadn't smoked the earlier vesion so there's no chance with me being disappointed with this blend. :)

AJ, Just for reference, The sample I sent you is about 3 years old. So you may be the earlier version. ;) I don't know for certain though.
DrumsAndBeer":fe6nm2eu said:
AJ, Just for reference, The sample I sent you is about 3 years old. So you may be the earlier version.  ;) I don't know for certain though.
Whichever one it was I like it. Surely hope it is from the current mix. :bounce:
