Jonesin' for a Pete

Brothers of Briar

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West of the East and East of the West
Feb 24, 2009
Reaction score
Kansas prairie
The Peterson's Moran shape is right down my alley; I'm really wanting one. Cup o' Joe's has a couple listed but with the state of my smoking habits right now it would be kinda silly to buy another pipe. Still, I do love that shape...maybe I should sell my Millennium pipe of the year Dublin shape which I've never fully bonded with. Or maybe not.
You know, I think that is probably my favorite pipe in the Sherlock Holmes series of pipes. It's chunky and substantial... I wouldn't mind having one of those myself, but I'm kind of with you, I just have a hard time justifying it right now. Especially with not knowing how long I'm going to be out of work.

I hope one finds its way to you though.
Idlefellow":29hke6xw said:
The Peterson's Moran shape is right down my alley; I'm really wanting one. Cup o' Joe's has a couple listed but with the state of my smoking habits right now it would be kinda silly to buy another pipe. Still, I do love that shape...maybe I should sell my Millennium pipe of the year Dublin shape which I've never fully bonded with. Or maybe not.
If you have the disposeable do-re-me it's NEVER silly to buy another pipe ! :twisted:
I have more pipes than I smoke in a month. I'm not fussed.

Leno has cars. We have something far less expensive.
Take a look at the Kinsale series in that shape - save about a hundred bucks.
Good suggestion; I have one Kinsale (the XL13 Rustic which in the S.H. series is The Baker Street) and while I prefer the fully banded look, the Kinsales certainly are less expensive. In a quick web search, though, I couldn't find the Moran shape in the Kinsale series. If you've seen it and can let me know where I'd appreciate it; thanks!