Leacha, Thanks Very Much!

Brothers of Briar

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Leacha and I, even though we don't really know each other, go back a while on another forum. I had bought this meerschaum lined Falcon bowl and when I received it, I found it way too massive for the pipe. I'm a fan or small and medium sized pipes only. So I offered a trade and Leacha offered me 2 unsmoked Billiard bowls in exchange.

I taught it was a damn fine and honest offer, so we proceeded. I received his bowls and must say I like them a lot.

Fastforward in time.

When pipesandcigars released Fire Storm, I drooled all the way down to my keyboard. The only problem with that is that they don't deliver here in Canada. I lamented this situation (to be honest, I almost squealed like a girl - Whow, gents; the key word here is almost).

First thing I know, Leacha is sending me a PM. He suggests I track down this Appleton rum for him that's only available in Canada and he'll send me some Fire Storm in return. I'm all in favor. Actually, I'm all over his proposal.

I made some searches. The rum is not listed in Ontario, where I live. However, it is listed in Québec, at the SAQ (Société des alcools du Québec), but it's not in stock and they don't expect any, anytime soon. The SAQ replied to my e-mail saying that if they get any, they would contact me.

So I tell Leacha the bad news. He tells me he will send a tin of Fire Storm anyway for my trouble. I tell him, hey brother, it's not necessary; really, I was happy to try to help and I'm just sorry I couldn't find any of that rum for you.

I'd look up every once in a while for a bit, see if any came in. Nope.

Fastforward to about a month ago. I get a PM from Leacha saying dude I didn't forget your tin; can you confirm your Snail Mail? I'm, like, hey Leacha, really, please forget about that tin...It was really all my pleasure to look up that rum for you and you don't have to send anything. I took the opportunity to look up his Appleton rum once more both in Ontario and Québec. It was never on the stock list in Ontario and still isn't; and, in Québec, they pulled it out of their inventory.

A few weeks later, Leacha tells me the tin is on its way, with "something extra". I tell myself, Leacha, Leacha, Leacha...

Long story short. I receive a package today. Look what we have here:

Leacha told me, when we traded our falcon bowls, to be careful. "Falcons are like peanuts, he says; one is just not enough". He's right. I bought another one since with a spare bowl. The new meerschaum bowl Leacha sent me looks simply smashing on my new Standard Falcon:

Now I have a great excuse to buy another Falcon stem and a spare bowl to go with that splendid bowl.

Brother, I'm don't know how to say thanks. :oops: I'm dumbfounded by your gesture.
Your welcome and I hope that bowl colors its a*s off for ya.
Awesome on both sides of the story, good on ya lads, that Meer' bowl looks very impressive, enjoy those gifts in rude good health.

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