Leather Pipes?

Brothers of Briar

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B of B Supporter
Nov 9, 2023
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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Has anyone ever heard of leather being used as the bowl material for a pipe? Not as a cover but as the actual bowl. An acquaintance mentioned as a young man he found what seemed to be a leather pipe in an historic area where clay pipes are commonly found, Hayes River. He still has this artifact and I hope he will remember to bring it for me to see.
I'd be very surprised, unless the leather was coated with something or the pipe had some sort of insert. I'd think leather would burn rather quickly, and I don't expect the aroma would be very pleasant!
I have had many pairs of leather work gloves become hard as a rock from simply being allowed to dry in direct sunlight, after getting wet from rainwater.
If cattle branding is any indication of what smoking a leather pipe might be like, it would be hard to imagine someone resorting to such.
Offices of the International Association of Leather Pipe Smokers.

Have some images of the "leather" pipe. Definitely a briar. There is an oval maker's imprint on the shank , but it's too faint and deteriorated to identify. All that I could make out was the edge. It was found near York Factory, Manitoba - a National Parks Historical Site on Hudson's Bay. I would not place this pipe in the same era as the clay remnants found at YF by a long shot. Likely discarded or lost by a Parks Canada employee involved in the restoration of the historical site, it is definitely a 20th C. factory pipe. No pun intended.
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