M249's for civilians..yay!

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
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I firmly hold to the idea that the 2nd amendment is intended to protect the populace from a tyrannical government AND that it has zero to do with hunting and target shooting.. A weapon does not have to pass some mythical "can you hunt rabbit with it" test question to be "allowed" in the hands of the populace. "Shall not be infringed" means just that.
Now I said that to say this: This ranks as one of the top ten most useless POS to ever roll off a line somewhere. IF my right wasn't infringed and I could own the actual M249 and FN Said "here PB have a m249" I'd take it and sell it without ever opening the box. I have zero love for the Squad Jammomatic Weapon, it's hot, sharp, constantly dirty and doesn't do anything a couple of half decent grunts can't do.

Oh, watch the video and dump your wallets COD'ers

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/GDmyF3uujAo" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen ></iframe>
Just thinkin the other day since .22 rimfire ammo is sparse I need something else to hunt squirrels with.

That M249s ranks high on my list along with this.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/OYRRzus9wto" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen ></iframe>
None of my business really but a single shot .410 might be the best squirrel gun ever made.

It would essentially turn your AR into a mag fired single shot but I bet there's a factory load or a home brew that you could take small game with.
Squirrels are more fun with a bow IMO.

He'll, I'd take one of those if someone gave it to me! Wouldn't even sell it either. :sunny:
Nothing defeats sarcasm like a good dose of "I thought you were serious". Lol. Really though, 5.56 is just souped up 22. Mild load it and you should be good to go.
I stashed 20 + bricks of .22 when they were $9 apiece before the survival craze was peaking, my comment was said tongue in cheek spoofing the M249s. Seems like a great way to burn through a ton of ammo for wanna bees looking for attention at the gun range. Can't imagine any practical use, but make something black nowdays with high round capacity and it'll sell.

The pump AR15 is ridiculous (in my opinion) and I just about bust a gut laughing.

Another gem I ran across while surfing was a 10/22 in a synthetic stock outfitted with laser, flashlight, 6-18 power scope, flash supressor, 100 round drum mag, sling, and bipod. You can get this "Tactical .22" as it was advertised for a mere $949. Tactical .22? ,,,When the chipmunk sleeper cell erupts causing mass mayhem by invading bird feeders and stripping our nation of vital sunflower seeds I suppose it might come in handy.

I'll be painting some slingshots black and marketing them as tactical survival weapons soon,,,shares of stock are available.
Color me "old school," but I'd rather obtain one of these first. The stock comes closer to matching one of my walnut-stained billiards smoked while pulling the trigger. It's not what you do, but how cool you look while doing it. Blend smoked while spewing lead is open for debate.

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The finest battle implement ever devised Richard.  

I owned one some years back.. Traded it for a Smith M625.. Traded that and a spotless Enfield for a fully functional MG 34.. Traded that for a bag of Russian weaponry.. Sold all that when I married my first wife so we could get a place to live.   All but the last deal was a good one.  Lol

PS: pipes and fighting don't mix. Save the pipe for telling tales of how glorious you used to be. :D

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