Brothers of Briar

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Richard Burley

Well-known member
Apr 9, 2011
Reaction score
I have noticed that every time I go to the BoB site without logging in, this link or whatever you call it appears at the bottom of the page. My question is, should this be moved to Pipe Techniques before proceeding with witty commentary?
Uh...I get remote control airplanes, which to be fair are something I go look at outside of BoB. I was pretty sure the ads were designed based on my search history....which makes me wonder what in the world you look at when no on BoB :lol:
Have you clicked the link out of curiosity yet ? :p you know you want to.
Apparently it's a link to other forums, and yes, I have clicked on it and read the sad story, a cautionary tale that all of us can learn from. Having one's dinky freed from a steel pipe by firemen wielding a grinder is no piece of cake. You know, the heat and all that? Knowing how Marty Pulvers likes to describe his pipes' bowl sizes by whether he can insert his thumb or not, I was concerned that a fellow BoBster had used another appendage for the same purpose, thinking at the time that it was an internal link, which most are. I am surprised that no one else has seen it. But let this be a warning to all.
A cautionary tale.

Frankly I avoid links to topics such as this like the plague. They can often contain malware/viruses and such. eff that........



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