Mastro de Paja

Brothers of Briar

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New member
Jun 24, 2010
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This is my frist pipe I bought and will smoke besides the corn cobbs that I have been using. So, I was wandering your opinions on it and suggestions for future purposes.

Thank you!
I don't have any experience with the brand but I've never heard anything bad. Nice looking pipe for sure.
I've heard they are a nice pipe to smoke, but also couldn't tell you much more than hearsay. You'll have to be sure to let us know how it smokes in the coming days!
I have two MdP dublins and they are among my top Va flake pipes and I prefer them to my Cavicchi dublin (which is also a fine pipe, btw). Excellent treatment of the fire grain briar (one is a 3A One Sun grade) and very well engineered. Break it in carefully and lovingly and I'll it will prove to be a treasure. I've been thinking of getting an MdP billiard whenever I can afford to buy another one.
I just purchased my 1st one a few days ago and it impressed me way beyond my expectations. I love English blends and it really made the Latakia more pronounced.

Good luck & many happy smokes
I own two and they are both among my top dozen smokers in the pack. One, a 1/4 bent paneled apple, is my #1 flake pipe. Picked up on eBay from a nice guy in Israel a few years back.

By the way, makhshev, that is a fine looking pipe. Careful with the rim, though, as it appears to cant in and with that smooth finish, it could burn/singe easily. I've had way too much "experience" in that technique, unfortunately! :oops:

Thank you all for the info. I was worried about the cant angle going into the bowl but the pipe was great looking and the price wasn't bad. I look forward to smoking it and giving some feedback.

Thanks guys!
I agree with what the brothers have said and have had similar experiences with them. The One I have I decided to dedicate Va too. Great Italian pipes!!! you can't go wrong! good Score there, well done!
At one time I had 2 Mastro pokers. They were very light weight and fine smokers. I hope yours turn out to be fine smokers too!

The second pipe I ever bought is very similar to yours. After breaking it in, it's become one of my finest smoker. Enjoy! :king: