Yak pretty much nailed it. Both the League and the fans are disingenuous. I don't think anyone really wants anything done about it. What they really want is for everyone to shut up about it so they can stick their heads back in the sand. I love the way this culture has convenient, short-lived ethical conundrums. Heartless. Let me know when everyone stops watching the games on TV (gotta love digital TV so they can track every time you hit that channel), stop reading the sports section, stop clicking on the websites, stop playing the fantasy leagues, and really take a stand.
PEDs are sports culture now. It's a little late to put the paste back in the tube. It would take real sacrifice at this point. Tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars lost as a new culture was formed. There's no going backwards, so something entirely new is really the only option.
I'm as sickened by it as anyone, but whining and bitching is really the only thing that will come out of any of this. Too much money is involved. The fans aren't going to walk away, and the teams aren't going to undercut their projections and Wall St. value.
Honestly, the only party involved doing their jobs are the Union. They're defending a member and playing every legal card at their disposal. I know it isn't popular to behave like that, but they're doing what they're paid to do. I'm okay with that. The League and the Yankees knew what ARod was doing. They're complicit, and for them to now act like they need to drop the hammer? Please. Go **** yourselves and your big money. I don't like ARod. He's slimy and arrogant, but like he said, he's protecting himself because nobody else will. You want to support an ugly culture for entertainment and city pride? Then don't cry about it when the ugliness comes out of the sewer for a little sun.