So, I've been thinking about adding a morta pipe for a while. Many of the pics here from those that have them have great appeal. And the issue of it smoking a bit hotter due to the material doesn't make me any less interested.
There's an estate that caught my eye this week from smokingpipes. Apparently it's made from Lake Michigan petrified wood and not the material that the others I've read about. And I like the Volcano shape.
The carver is Russ Cook, whom I'm not familiar with. And here is the copy from smokingpipes-
Though technically still "morta," in that it comes from naturally submerged and preserved deadfalls, the "Michigan" variety is sourced not from peat-bogs, but from the depths of Lake Michigan.Russ Cook is one of the few pipemakers who make use of this particular class of preserved oak, and here he's shaped it into a solid Volcano sitter.
Here's a pic of the one currently available-
Seems to me they listed another morta Volcano earlier this week from Russ Cook, which was a black finish with a different stem configuration for the same price. Looks like that one is gone. Kind of like this one as well.
Any sage experience about Russ Cook or his Lake Michigan morta pipes?
There's an estate that caught my eye this week from smokingpipes. Apparently it's made from Lake Michigan petrified wood and not the material that the others I've read about. And I like the Volcano shape.
The carver is Russ Cook, whom I'm not familiar with. And here is the copy from smokingpipes-
Though technically still "morta," in that it comes from naturally submerged and preserved deadfalls, the "Michigan" variety is sourced not from peat-bogs, but from the depths of Lake Michigan.Russ Cook is one of the few pipemakers who make use of this particular class of preserved oak, and here he's shaped it into a solid Volcano sitter.
Here's a pic of the one currently available-
Seems to me they listed another morta Volcano earlier this week from Russ Cook, which was a black finish with a different stem configuration for the same price. Looks like that one is gone. Kind of like this one as well.
Any sage experience about Russ Cook or his Lake Michigan morta pipes?