Mouth Hanger?

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2012
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I am most definitely not a used to having a pipe hanging of my mouth. I love holding a pipe in my hand. As such, my meager pipe collection consists of straight stems or stems with very little bend in them. Even when I try to smoke the pipe in my mouth for any length of time, my jaw gets tired. I said all this to get a some suggestions for a good mouth hanger that won't break the bank, as I am not sure I will love it. Want to keep it under $100, preferably in the $50-75 range.
I've gotten very good pipes from Ebay. If I may, a few sellers I've had good luck with are colwright, collector7010. Not to forget, cigarstorejay. I'm glad I got a hanger for cheap. Though it's a good pipe I've found I'm not the hanging type. Good luck on the hunt.
Probably some of the BEST values in the factory made pipe offerings available today are those made by Savinelli. I have around 20 of their pipes and ALL are very good smokers and are made well and a good value for your dollar. Here's just one example right in the price range you mentioned:

Give their pipes a good look at, you might find just what you need :p
One thing the Peterson P-Lip does well is hang.

Many people don't like them but if you want to hang a pipe from your grill without strain those will do it.

With them weight is less of an issue.


I should add.... A bent P-Lip "hangs" well. If you are a clencher a thin fishtail is more comfortable.
Typically, the more bend to the stem the easier the pipe hangs. This would indicate that the OomPaul style pipe would be the most comfortable, but it also moves the smoke closer to the smoker's face, which can cause a different set of problems, depending on the smoker.

I prefer a 1/8 bent stem to 1/4. My favorite pipe is the Charatans Make 1/8 bent barrel or cherrywood, model 284. Coincidentally, if you go to ebay there currently are two of this style pipe listed under "Charatan", one is a 284 for about $75, which is a good price, IMHO, the other is a 484, whish is a bit larger for, I think, $138. I have probably a dozen of the 284's and 5 or six of the 484's and they all smoke excellently.

As always you should look anything on ebay over closely and I pay pretty close attention to all of the sellars feedback, but if I had the money, I would be all over that 284.
Thanks for the info and suggestions. I am going to take my time to find the right one for me.
Check the mouthpiece carefully. Choose a fishtail style, the wider and thinner the better.

Some of us just weren't born to be clenchers, so there's that possibility, too.
Pipe smoking is a journey. With increasing experience one's choices for best tobacco and best pipe seem to evolve. For me the best of each have become the longest smoke in the largest bowl. Interestingly now my go-to pipes are oom pauls, Savinelli Hercules, Nordings, and Peterson XL Kinsales. I find that as a Latakia lover there is never a pipe that is too large for me or a hanger too close to my nose. My observation and take on this issue is that experience is the key to enjoyment and like your profession, experience takes "time on the job". A man's jaw is a rugged body part. It can easily handle the largest pipe especially with a rubber bit cushion. You owe yourself the pleasure of at least one man size pipe to sink your teeth onto. You'll notice that the pipe in my avatar photo is a monster and I'm smiling as I clench it. When I pack Penzance in that bowl I'm good for over two hours and that my brothers is one fncking great way to relax and celebrate manhood.
I would say to try and find an old Copenhagen-Era Larsen Pipe on eBay or from a seller if you can find one. I have 5 or 6 and they are all super light weight pipes with great designs that hang comfortably from the mouth, yet give at least an hour-long smoke.