My first visit to a legimate pipe shop!

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2012
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I was visiting my brother in PA last week. We decided to go to Lebanon, PA for well baloney of course! And a candy store. Anyway, when we walked to the street what do I see but Wingenroth Pipe Shop! This is the first time I have ever been to a legitimate pipe shop. I was in heaven, wall to wall tins of tobacco, nice selection of pipes, and a well informed gentleman running the place. We had a nice conversation for about a half an hour. And had my first tad attack there. So if there is anyone in that neck of the wood I would encourage you to drop by And tell him some one from Tucson said hi. Or if you've been there already, let me know. I like to hear your experiences.

Ah yes I remember my first time. Glad you enjoyed yourself!

Hummmm. My wife worked with a Jim Hemperly when we lived out there I wonder if they're related or possibly one and the same.
I'm glad you got to experience that! And thank you for posting the information. I'm planning a drive out that way this weekend and will try and drop in for a visit.
I haven't even seen one of good size since the 1980's.
Glad you were able to experience it first hand.  ;) 
I'm in the lucky situation to be within 5km from a very nice, real tobacco shop, the owner is a friend whom I've met 18 years ago. We belong to the same pipeclub as well.

He is willing and eager to order stuff for us when we want something which is not in stock. Bought two NEW Davidoff pipes from him 5 years ago for R500 a piece.

It really is a privilege to be able to know where to find the goodies.
I guess I have a tendency to take for granted the fact that I am only 15-20 minutes away from the largest pipe shop in Michigan...Paul's Pipe Shop in Flint. They have hundreds of blends of tobaccos, their own and tinned, and thousands of pipes. It has that old world store feeling with the creaking wood floors and the wonderful aroma that only a tobacco shop has. My wife even loves to shop there for things for me and she has since we were married 44 years ago.  :cheers: 
You're very fortunate to have found a real PIPE shop!! Back in the 70's/80's there were about a dozen in the DFW area. Now there are about 4 and they all need to learn how to spell "pipe shop" as they are CIGAR stores !!  :twisted: :twisted: Two of them don't even have ANY pipes in them but can "... order anything you want" and they say they are Pipe Shop on their outside signage !! Ahhh  the 21st century!!  :twisted: :twisted: 