Welcome to BoB :cheers: You have a life-long adventure you are ready to embark on and a whole lot of advice coming. I'd recommend starting 'small' with a 'basket pipe' or 3 (usually can be had for about $15-25 a piece) and recommend at least two pipes to begin, as frequent smoking of them (3-5 times a day) can make them 'sour'. If you only plan on smoking a pipe a couple times a week 1 might be a good starting point.
Many retailers will offer a pipe 'starter kit' a pipe, a pipe tool, some pipe cleaners, bowl sweetener, and an ounce or two of tobacco. This policy is not a 'standard' and can vary by retailer.
If you are considering the estate market, I can't recommend anyone higher than Frenchy for a beginner. He has a wide variety of estate pipes, from about $12 upwards, and is the absolute BEST to deal with IMHO
[url=http://frenchyspipes.com/]http://frenchyspipes.com/[/url] He is known to thrown in 'freebies' (a pack of cleaners, a pipe tool or pipe nail and occasionally a small sample of sunzabitches (his own blend made by Russ at H&H) If you choose to deal with Frenchy via phone and let him know you are a beginner, I'm sure he could put together a very nice starter kit for you. Read all about him
HERE he is quite a character!
Others here will have loads of advice for you as well. As you come from the world of cigars, I'm sure you will find the variations of pipe tobaccos rewarding, there are in fact so many blends out there (and new ones being created all the time) that you would need 3 or 4 lifetimes to try them all!
