New Zelda

Brothers of Briar

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Charter member
Dec 10, 2007
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If you have any kids who are into Zelda, they'll dig this. Trailer released today at E3 2016.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen ></iframe>​
E: There are many games in The Legend of Zelda series: Majorca's Mask, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, and Skyward Sword...there are 18 in all, including the new one posted above. My youngest daughter is into it. I just bought her Skyward Sword as a reward for getting straight A grades in all her courses for Spring semester.

Watching her play is one of my favorite ways of winding down and chilling out. Plus, I get to "help" by figuring out some of the weird little puzzles she has to solve to get to the end of the game...although I'm amazed at how good she is at figuring most of it out for herself. These aren't games for dummies. They encourage, curiosity, initiative, resourcefulness...and they're pretty cool to look at too. :mrgreen:


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