Now, why didn't I think of that? Hey! I DID!

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Oct 23, 2010
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Oregon City, Oregon - USA
Can't tell you how many times I've done the HOMER Simpson thing...slapped myself on the forehead with a loud, "DOH"! 
Well this time I beat it. I was looking at the nice lineup of Zippo lighters on a shelf and it galled me that they all had standard inserts. Sure, I've thought about getting them replaced with a pipe lighter insert, but I never have gotten around to it. Then a little while later I picked up one from a tool box, one I use that DOES have the pipe insert, and looked closely at the circle they had cut. Hmmm. It struck me that the whole thing was identical (meaning the size and placement of the smaller holes on the windguard). Hmmm #2. So I did a side by side and sure enough, the two windscreens were exactly the same. This means they likely just take the standard windscreen and punch a big hole on either side and suddenly - presto chango - it becomes a pipe windscreen. 

So, fellow miscreants and neerdowells, what do you think just screamed itself loudly into my fevered brain? Yup! In a heartbeat I KNEW that I could DO IT MYSELF! 

And so after about an hour with a fine jeweler's fret saw, some fine needle files, etc. I sat there are beheld the wonder of my very own custom Zippo Pipe Lighter. On one side I cut a tall oval...on the other, a diamond. And as was pulling together other standard Zippos to convert, I was thinking about other shapes that I could do...hearts and other card suit shapes, a Shamrock, of course a star...anything that made a big 'ol hole would work. The only thing that would limit the possibilities would be my own skill. Oops! Dang...well, at least some simple things would serve. I'll leave the dragons, orcs and troll designs to the pros. 

And before you start whining about photos, YES, there will be pics. I just wanted to do a few more prior to showing off. 

If anyone has any SUITABLE ideas for shapes I'd love to hear 'em. Just remember that the point is to open up a LOT of space to allow you to pull the flame down into the bowl. So teensy patterns or filigree kinda stuff wouldn't function well. And with my skills, anything that required piercing a really regular pattern would end up looking, well, not very precise. But whatever.
The Fickle Finger of Fate may provide a lighter to carry on an off day or visiting the IRS.
Not to throw a wrench into the works but, what about the small cover that goes a top the wind guard. The one I had, had a little cover with a small hole in it. I mean, not that it's really needed but, I imagine it serves some purpose. (the damn perfectionist in me)
I would imagine it wouldn't take much to make one, just a little piece of sheet metal, drill and pliers to bend tabs on it, right?
C - I've never seen a little cover made of metal or anything else that fit on top of the windscreen of a Zippo. Now you've got me interested! A new Web search is in order. 

Was it recently that you saw or had the cover? Did you buy the lighter new, and the cover thing came with it?

The special model, shown below, usually sets off Homeland Security sensors when lit. It can also act as a lighthouse. 

It was a gift to me (brand new) about 10 years ago. As to my knowledge it wasn't any special model except that it was the pipe lighter model and had a small black pipe embossed in the lower corner of it. Maybe they changed the design.
Wish I still had it. I looked for it not too long ago but, couldn't find it and believe I must have sold it with my pipes back then when I had a loss of sanity.
I'll try myself to see if I can come up with at least a photo of one showing it.
Well I'll be darned. Ain't that something. 

There's a Zippo thing I never knew existed til this morning. Not only that, it makes sense. 

Bet the little devil gets dirty quick. Regardless of that it's cool. Brilliant even! 

Excellent work Mr. C!
Blackhorse":df3l59wq said:
Well I'll be darned. Ain't that something. 

There's a Zippo thing I never knew existed til this morning. Not only that, it makes sense. 

Bet the little devil gets dirty quick. Regardless of that it's cool. Brilliant even! 

Excellent work Mr. C!
Hey, Just Goggled Zippo Pipe Lighter, no major endeavor here sir.
Re: that little top piece on the pipe insert-

Sent my standard Zippo in for the pipe conversion and it came back with this. Never saw the point of it but went with what they sent me. After all, they did it on their dime.

The damn thing kept flying off when lighting. One day it flew off, never to be found. Think my La-Z-Boy recliner ate it, but have never reclaimed it no matter how much the efforts!

Thought about e-mailing Zippo about getting a replacement, but it's not been an issue.

The Zippo still performs admirably. Really like the pipe insert. Never had a problem with the fuel taste.



Mine never came loose but, hey, I never used mine that much for two reasons.
I tasted the fuel and was always afraid of burning the rim of my pipe with it.
I find I have better control with a butane but, I can taste it from time to time.
Matches aren't an option for me being I smoke outside.
Isn't life rough. LOL!

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