Overseas Pipe Ordering Advice...

Brothers of Briar

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May 25, 2024
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Hey Yall
has anyone ever had any issues with ordering from Bollito Pipe ? I ordered a few times from other B&M/online retailers in Italy and they were excellent. however Bollito has me about ready to pull my hair out. I ordered a pipe and they sent the wrong one (no big deal, we all make mistakes) however they absolutely refused to return any messages or emails I sent them. I kinda got the feeling I was "baited and switched" as time went on, as the pipe I was sent had a lesser value than what I ordered (same model / different finish) ... I finally gave up and opened a case with PayPal and wouldn't you know it a response from Bollito within hours... I was more than happy to drop the package off at the post office that's right down the road from me or the UPS drop off which is about 15 minutes away. however Bollito is adamant that i send it DHL - The nearest is about 50 minutes from my house, I could also schedule a pickup but I work during the hours and DHL is telling me someone needs to be here.. i tried to work with him but he's not giving me many options here... keeps telling me that he doesn't have a "contract with UPS" I finally gave up and asked PayPal to make the decision.. I'm not going to bend over backwards for someone who ignored me until they got an email from PayPal.... I guess if I have to chew the pipe that's it just a lesson learned, but I am hopeful that PayPal sees that I at least made the attempt while Bollito didn't want to talk to me until they got involved and now is not budging from it being sent back via DHL...
Has anyone had any similar issues with overseas pipe stores ? and how do you think PayPal will view this
Thanks in advance...
There are many countries with untrustworthy post offices, and if memory serves, Italy is one. They weren't always that way, but in the past couple of decades, I'm pretty sure their system went to shiite. It doesn't surprise me that they don't want you to use the postal service. Not to be flippant, but lesson learned. Add this to your list of questions to ask before buying online, especially internationally. I probably wouldn't have thought to ask that question either. Would it be safe to assume they sent it DHL or some other private shipping company?
They have a DHL account. If you were on the hook (as I’ve been) for the return it would probably cost you $70.00 bucks to send it back securely.
To be honest I don't think PayPal gives a crap about this. Not to be mean or cruel but PayPal is a payment system that will see you as a "little" customer and the pipe company as a potential money making customer. I don't think it's going to turn in your favor. This really sucks sir, I'm sorry you had to experience this. I do buy pipes from overseas but the only country I will buy from is England. One time I bought a pipe from France and it took a month for me to receive it. I kept emailing him and he finally got back to me and said they had bad snow storms and the power lines went down. But it was two weeks ''after'' I made the order lol. I told myself I will never order a pipe outside of England again. I think you're probably going to have to live with the pipe you didn't want.
In my few experiences with Paypal, they have always been very fair with me, They will look at all of your e-mails, they seem to favor the little guy,if a retailer is not being reasonable!
Update: It appears PayPal has forced Bollito Pipe to send me a UPS return label., I dropped off at the UPS store. Checked the tracking when I woke up this morning and it got as far as the warehouse before it was flagged and held, After a call to UPS CS it appears he never provided the required documents when buying the label. They need documents from him to process / transit the package internationally, which I didn't have... I'm not surprised at all.... I gave UPS CS all his information, I'm going to go ahead and guess with his history of taking days to respond that UPS is just going to end up kicking the package back to me and we will be back at square one... I did notice that when I was emailed the return label it came from him but was purchased though some "courier service" in italy. Not sure if the courier service didn't provide the documents to UPS or Bollito didn't provide them to the courier service...either way it's just another bag of trash added to this already raging dumpster fire.
I would get back to Paypal and explain the situation, they have always been fair and understanding with me in the past. Good luck.
I would get back to Paypal and explain the situation, they have always been fair and understanding with me in the past. Good luck.
Thanks.. I've been updating them through the "escalated dispute" there is a spot there you can add more information, so as things keep happening I keep adding information or photos for them. I've been trying to keep it well documented, whether they look at all of it or not is another story (haha)
Update: It appears PayPal has forced Bollito Pipe to send me a UPS return label., I dropped off at the UPS store. Checked the tracking when I woke up this morning and it got as far as the warehouse before it was flagged and held, After a call to UPS CS it appears he never provided the required documents when buying the label. They need documents from him to process / transit the package internationally, which I didn't have... I'm not surprised at all.... I gave UPS CS all his information, I'm going to go ahead and guess with his history of taking days to respond that UPS is just going to end up kicking the package back to me and we will be back at square one... I did notice that when I was emailed the return label it came from him but was purchased though some "courier service" in italy. Not sure if the courier service didn't provide the documents to UPS or Bollito didn't provide them to the courier service...either way it's just another bag of trash added to this already raging dumpster fire.
This really stinks man. It's a shame you have to go through this. I have no patience for this kind of nonsense that's why I don't buy pipes from many places. When I was acquiring my collection I mainly bought from 3 sellers on ebay, then it dropped to one. My son and wife buy my father's day, Christmas and birthday pipes from SP and small companies like Merchant Services Pipes. The only overseas place I trust is Mike from Blakemar Briars in England. If I email Mike he will get back to me within a few hours "at the most". If it has anything to do with payment and money he will email back almost immediately.