PAD newest e-bay rack filler

Brothers of Briar

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Thanks Jack: If my luck continues the next one will really be a late collar. I'm workin' OT hard man.
That is nice and Im a fool for oom pauls myself. It has a fascinating grain. And a great price. I know your smiling.
Thanks plumber. You too are an oom paul man and a plumber. You know a pipe when you see one. One mean freakin' elbow on the oom paul wouldn't you agree?
Hey John: Keep your eyes on e-bay. This is my third e bay estate oom paul at a fantastic price.
Introductions here are in order: John (Airborne), above me from Montreal, meet Jack (Simple Man) below me from North Georgia. Jack, say hi to my bud John and by the way good job on the leather from Lil Brown's. We are three guys that have got to press the flesh and enjoy our smokes together.
There are great buys to be had on e-bay. I've built a collection of fine pipes this way. I don't believe a guy has to spend a fortune to enjoy a great smoke with a classic pipe. Thanks for your compliment.

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