Peterson 317

Brothers of Briar

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Jan 18, 2015
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I've a couple of 312s and a 314 and recently picked up a 317 for smoke breaks at work. Of my four Pete's the 317 gurgles consistently during a smoke with moisture getting up into the stem which I need to blow out two or three times during a smoke. For some reason the moisture doesn't gather in the sump like in my other system pipes.
Any suggestions? I'm happy to accept operator error but would've thought the other Pete's would behave the same way if that was so.


A couple of educated guesses. The 317, being the smallest, might simply have too small a well compared to the the larger system pipes which coupled with the idiosyncrasies of your smoking style, create the gurgle. I have a 317 as well and it gurgles too, but I kind of suspected it was just cause it was a Pete. (Petes aren't my best smokers) Is the bit a fishtail or p-lip? If it is a p-lip, the constricted draw could be exacerbating the moisture problem. Maybe drier tobacco would solve the problem.

The good news is that with a military style stem, there is no problem sopping up the moisture during the smoke. A hassle for sure, but quite doable.
Thanks Ocelot, oddly enough it's my only fishtail Pete. I will really try to watch my cadence with this one as I suspect I'm being too greedy as per usual.


I have one System Pete and if I "puff" enthusiaticaly I get lots of gurgle and the few Pete enthusiasts that i know personaly are confirmed "sippers" smoking wise and don't get nearly as much "gurrgle" from what I can tell and they tell me. It's the same for me. System Petes are "sippers' smoking wise for sure !! :twisted: :twisted:
Bang on the money there Mon, as I smoke my 317, I now pay particular attention to sipping and it's been pretty much gurgle free. I'm amazed my 312s and 314 take my greedy slurping punishment with such aplomb.

Thanks all
