Peterson's Irish Flake

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2011
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So the other day I was walking through a mall, thinking of the best way to get out of the trip, when I walked into a Tinder Box. The young man working there recomended Irish Flake to me though I'm not sure that it is for me, and I was wondering if anyone here could tell me anything about it, and if anyone here enjoys Irish Flake.
Irish Flake is one of my favorite tobaccos. It is a virginia/burley flake. Nice appearance in the tin. I find it to be a little moist, especially when the tin is just opened. Flavor is full, but reasonably mild, a very nice blend. Depending on how much I dry it before smoking, the smoke can be a bit thin.

This is the ONLY tobacco that consistently gives me more than just a gentle nicotine "buzz". It is the stoutest tobacco in my rotation. As such, I generally reserve it for a quiet afternoon or warm evening after I have had a good meal and am looking to sit and sip on my pipe in a leisurely fashion. Smoke this one too fast and unless you have a strong constitution you may regret it. I can't address if it has any tendency to bite or smoke hot, I always fold and stuff my flakes quite loosely, which pretty much eliminates the chance of bite unless I puff like a locomotive.

I would suggest everyone should give PIF a try as it really is wonderful, but be warned.
I am sort of a newby to tobacco too, and Irish Flake was one of the first tins of a "straight" type Va that I ordered and tried.
keep in mind , I have chewed straight snuff for alot of years and I dont spit, , and I like "Strong" stuff in general.

I Liked P.I.F. alot. and I had some stressful times at that time , and boy , it gave me the nicotene I craved. I smoked it fast and hard, and I liked it .

But , it ran out, and I got into always ordering something new, to try them all .
I got to where I realized that I " Really Like " light sweet Virginias.
So thats the road I am on , at this point in time.

But, someday when I settle down on my TAD , I will try PIF again.

It is strong, but , it is good. And I think you ought to try it. If you dont like it , either age it for a bit , and maybe your tastes will change, or trade it off here .

Give it a try , is my vote

1) For instantly available reviews on any blend out there go to '' as most of the guys here likely use it too.

2) Irish Flake is sometimes described as the sole of pipe tobaccos...but you might want to also try the tongue...or even the laces. W. C. Fields described it best. Upon waking with a hangover one cruel morning, he said, "It's like an army of little men wearing muddy boots have been marching across my tongue all night!"

3) The Dark Fired Kentucky (which is Burley) that goes into Irish Flake is an acquired taste...honestly, it's good stuff, but very strong in most ways. If you do try it...get a small, cheap, corncob pipe to use. Really! Roll the flake of tobacco hard in your palms till it's come apart and loose...pack it lightly in the cob's bowl...and fire up. In just a very few puffs you'll know what Popeye's expression was caused by.

4) Be sure to have 911 on your speed dial. Or better - the direct line to your local E.R.

5) BTW, welcome to BoB...your one stop site for seriously good information relating to pipe smoking.
I wonder if Blackhorse isn't stating the case for excessive care, perhaps fear, about smoking high nicotine tobacco. Yes, you do have to have care, but for me that amounts to having eaten a substantive meal within an hour of smoking it; and while smoking it to put the pipe down if you feel at all dizzy, nauseous or are having some odd event occurring in your stomach; if you don't put it down the symptoms will rapidly worsen and you'll wish you had.

Now you're nicotine tolerance may be less, and eating mayn't help. But many smoke these blends, and the most common advice is to eat beforehand.
Well, while I do find it a strong smoke it's no more so than G&H Dark Flake or the ropes and twists, etc., which I smoke regularly. Also, I smoke it on occasion. Like for pennance or something. Earlier in my smoking career I was rather enamoured with it...but that faded as in vain I searched for something more than good flavor, as one example that comes to mind. Dark Fired is good stuff, but I find the shoe leatherish nature of Irish Flake to be far surpassed by its English cousins and several varients here in 'the colonies'. Just today I fired up a medium sized bowl of 'Warrior' - and whether or not there's Dark Fired in there, it tastes like there is...and it's certainly a match re: strength...but in addition has a wonderfull deep flavor profile that I find excellent. Must be a little VA in there to sweeten the pot, so to speak. So while not intending to cast negatives at the well intentioned fans of I.F. I've just come to want more than strength.

That, and somtimes I just get carried away with hearing myself tell what only I think are humerous anecdotes. My tragic flaw, if you will.

And, while I've never disagreed with the 'eating a big meal' thing, I also dislike having to depend on food to rule my smoking practices..being of an age where 'big meals' are a rare event. So I let prudence guide me even though I smoke when and what I want...but perhaps in a smaller bowl...another way of metering dosage. lol
Skip the meal, just make sure you have a sugary drink nearby. If you start to feel sick, take a sip of your drink. Nicotine causes a drop in blood sugar, so it's relatively easy to avoid any minor complications.

Anyway, Irish Flake is strong and full of flavor. It's absolutely one of my favorites!
I'm very fond of Irish Flake. I was knocked flat when I first tried it, but have since gotten used to it. It's one blend I actually have a pipe dedicated solely to. :face:
szyzk":7bq6bkw6 said:
Skip the meal, just make sure you have a sugary drink nearby. If you start to feel sick, take a sip of your drink. Nicotine causes a drop in blood sugar, so it's relatively easy to avoid any minor complications.

Anyway, Irish Flake is strong and full of flavor. It's absolutely one of my favorites!
A drop in blood sugar or HYPOGLYCEMIA is NOT caused by high doses of Nicotine. If it was, Nicotine would be used as a drug for use by Diabetics, especially insulin dependent (type 1) to treat this condition and it is NOT. The drop in Blood Sugar is more probably caused by NOT having consumed enough food during the day :p Nicotine does have an effect on hunger which is why folks who stop smoking cigs have some of the weigt gain problems and food may have a more calmative effect if you are not used to high doses of nicotine, though I've never gotten as much nicotine from pipe tobacco as one does when inhaling a cigarette. :p

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