Pimping one of my favorite writers

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2011
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I don't know if this is cool to do, and if it's not, I'll take this down. But one of my favorite authors is Greg Crites. Now, a word of caution about Greg. He uses a lot of vulgarity, and is very anti-establishment and religion, but his books are a hoot! He's hysterical and I remember doing a spit-take in the Chicago airport while listening to one of his serialized audiobooks. People stared at me as if I'd lost my mind. LOL

His website is www.veinarmor.com and he just sent his latest book to the printers. If you look at his site, most of his stuff is in audiobook format, and his Dunkin and Devlin series' are exceptional. But all of it is available as PDF and some in print. I've listened to all his stuff twice, and his books are either free or $6 a book. He's not published because he's a cranky bastage (his own words) and no publisher will do things the way he wants, but there wasn't a book he's written that I haven't enjoyed.

So, if vulgarity, and the other things I listed don't offend you, check out Greg's stuff. He's an awesome writer!


Martin :rabbit: :bounce:

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